Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

Stormwind isn’t known for its quality.

:point_right: :airplane:

Okay, it didn’t happen to you, that’s fine, good for you!

But it happened to me and it happened to a lot of other people in this thread.

Subjective. However opinions are not smiled on.

Ok? It also didn’t happen to lots of other people. Are you more important?

:mega: opinions are smiled on when they relate to the topic of the thread not trying to tell several people every single one of their experiences is likely false

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Contrarianism isn’t, you’re just one in a long line and honestly a pretty boring one.

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Well, “a lot of people” aren’t posting in this thread are they?

Quote me where I said that, thanks.

Nah. I don’t think I am derailing the thread. Where’s that evidence that I am off-topic?

Ask the OP.

you may not claim it directly but these do imply you feel oocers are little to no issue and just because they didn’t ruin your experience that they can’t have possibly ruined others because rpers are SO much worse


As Scrappy says, whilst you may not directly say it, your wording does come across as very dismissive . . .


The only one doing any implying here is you. A moment ago you said I’m “rying to tell several people every single one of their experiences is likely false”. I’m just saying that not all OOC players are satan and they’re not killing this RP server in my opinion. I’m allowed one of those FYI.

you are allowed an opinion, but we are also allowed to speak against if we don’t agree

there’s no need to get so crazily passive aggressive the moment we go ‘no u r wrong’

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Fully agree, wish I didn’t have to ghost all those OOCers in Orgrimmar and Stormwind and instead could just expect all the players standing/running around the streets to be roleplayed with. :pensive:


I mean you’re literally trying to quote me on things i didn’t even say my dude.

plenty of examples of you acting very passive aggressive just because someone spoke against you

your want for “discussion”, i guess, would be more welcome if you didn’t instantly go pink when someone said ‘no, wrong’


I meant I wanted examples of you saying I did this.

I know i can’t get anywhere here, but i’ll keep replying if i want to because why not. The purpose of this thread was lost 500 posts ago. /shrug

the purpose of this thread was going to be brought back and you took it upon yourself to derail it

the topic is ‘why oocers ruined our experience’
you can conflict the opinions without just going