Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

That was a wild ride.

I quite like being able to watch rpers. Makes the game feel more alive imo.

But lowkey if I kill auctioneers on my Horde toon in the Trade district you report me for not having an rp name, which kinda summarize most of you. Toxic motherfehers who go crying to Daddy Blizz over the tiniest of things because you all just feel so entitled. Rping is literally about having a schlong-measuring contest, entitled, spoiled brats - the lot you!

Stop crying already, jeeze.


I really wish people like you would stop giving people like me a bad name. Get out of this server.



We aren’t zoo animals, thank you.

You know yourself well.


no one asked
no one cares

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And what was this name, friend? A meme? Some terrible joke? A pun, maybe? Or maybe it was a variation of “Roleplayer”

Get lost, pal.

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OOCers should follow my example and move to another game entirely tbh

The irony and hypocrisy in this post is larger than the combined fails of the Abominations of the Scarlet Crusade grief attempts and horse ERP sessions or whatever it is they did or do these days.

But I guess for people with that amount of mental capacity, killing auctioneers and attempting to kill king Anduin with some off-realmers is about as much they are capable of.

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You’ve been owned

Bad bait btw but people took the bite anyway, not that I can blame them

local renard who wasn’t an active part of RP communities claims they have more knowledge on said communities than those who were part of them

Why is every demon hunter poster on these forums bred from a stock that should have died out millennia ago


Ok abomination

haha funny

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100% agreed with the OP, glad to see the CMs are on the same page when they unlocked this thread after 40 days.


100% agree with the OP also


How is OP just so right about all this?


I logged onto the Sha’tar after dipping a few months in Cata and everyone I knew was gone. So I left too.

Based mods knew this.

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An old post but gonna reply anyway just to say that I agree. The cascading effect of people leaving started somewhere in MoP and ABoC really didn’t help with stopping the snowball. RPing in contested zones was a pain as it was bound to be harassed by gankers/OOCers, and if you stayed in cities they came to spam mounts on you. They also used TRP to scan zones for RPers to find events to crash. It got to the point where people had to ask other guilds for help to counter-gank ABoC and having anti-gank squads on call for RP events - which meant even more people having to interrupt their RP.

Admittedly there were other issues as well that contributed to the death of the server but I think when the ratio of OOCers-to-RPers started swinging in favor of OOCers, that’s when people called it quits.

Yeah they weren’t great at PvP tbh and not much of a problem to kill. The real issue was having to spend 1-1,5hrs driving them off, which was their goal I guess. A lot of RPers just gave up when Blizz basically gave them green light.


This whole thing with OOCers is a case of “individual good, group in general bad”.

Is a person joining RP server because they heard good things about it, are interested in the atmosphere or like seeing the same people in the world bad?
No, not at all, and they even respect RPers and don´t want to bother them. It´s absolutely fine, right?

But if 1000 people do this, suddenly you´ve got a portion of community that doesn´t take part in RP and in turn can create more beneficial environment for others who don´t want to RP.
“Hey, Jimmy, do you want to join me and my mates? We do Heroic and can boost you.”
“Sure thing. But aren´t you on RP server? Don´t you have to act differently?”
“Nah, it´s fine, most people don´t RP at all.”

Eventually, RP doesn´t become requirement of an RP server, it just becomes one aspect of it. It´s not core of one´s experience here, but unlike transmog runs or M+ with friends, it can be actively griefed by those who find it weird and with floodgates opened, these people come to the server.
And since Blizzard customer support is really, really bad, it´s not like we can turn towards greater power to enforce rules they themselves set up. So what´s left for us but to make it clear that if you don´t plan on RPing, this is really bad server for you.