Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

I mean it’s your own choice how you perceive it. My first post still stands on this. Had a few non circle-jerk replies from people that im appreciative of. The rest are just a select few liking eachother’s posts, as if that actually helps this thread at all. :yawning_face:

And then found once more, after the 24 hour lock expired. And you immediately decided to derail it, ignoring the attempts to keep it on the rails, because people have the audacity to dislike OOCers and were giving their first hand accounts. :point_right: :airplane: OOCel.


have you considered it’s because we a g r e e


That’s not how discussion works. By all means, keep replying to me 24/7 and then say “S tOP deRAIl ThrEAD” lmao

wow, somebody getting worked up by likes.


Not relevant to the thread, stop derailing. :bullettrain_front:

OOCer apologists are the fifth column.

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oh wow i can’t believe people can have a discussion and not agree with each other? god thank you such much for enlightening me i didn’t know i couldn’t agree with other people’s points in an a discussion you’ve really saved me i’ll join your efforts of being purposely contrarian

yeah i will because you’ve derailed the thread after reading the op and still going along with something that isn’t relevant to the topic




You in five words.

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You’re not scrappy? I can only deal with one vulpera at a time.

As the OP, nah, you’ve broken it now. You alone re-derailed this, now people can disagree with your opinion and take offense at your dismissive attitude and derailing as they please.


Yeah, you can’t get owned by commenting on nobody liking your “hot take” posts then yell DERAILING

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In fairness, the counter argument that you’ve been trying to make in the belief that you don’t believe OOC players are detrimental to the server would have been far more suitable in the mirroring thread to this one in which the topic is that OOC players are allegedly necessary for the server (I don’t agree with this, but hey-ho)

I’m pretty confident that the sole aim of this thread, as stated in Vashava’s OP, is for giving first hand accounts of experience that have made you believe OOC players hurt Argent Dawn - people have been telling you that


I even linked it for her, but apparently no, she had to derail this thread.

Jelly lol.


im liking ur post purely out of spite


I liked your posts because I like the content of them.

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I just like posts because I either agree with them or find them funny.

Just so happens that I agree with a lot of people of a certain opinion in this thread.


I like posts

That’s all