Please don’t laugh at me. I’ve done the timed run four times now. The first time, the server shut down. The second time, I died, and no one was in the instance. The third time, I teleported out of the instance to get back to the start, and I couldn’t get back in.
My question is: Where is the chest for the loot? I’ve been back to the boss, but I cannot see any chest. What should I do? Where is the chest please someone explain it to me I am running around like a headless chicken in there. Driving me crazy.
You need to free the prisoner at the 4th boss, she will destroy the vases in the room and in one of them is a bag with the bear.
Which makes me wonder… did they put their amani warbear in that bag? A bear inside a bag inside a vase? How does it fit in? Should we call greenpeace? And then the bear is realeasedfrom it’s small prison only to have to carry some overweight Tauren dks on their back?
Poor bears…
You can carry tons of items on you without having backpack of ten times the size of your character visible, and you wonder about bear in small leather satchel?
If you need explanation, best possible one is that it does not contain the mount itself, but some kind of flute or whatever item necessary for the bear to run to your location.
And the item icon represent which mount you will be able to call forth, not the actual item or in this case whole Amani War Bear.
Items are in the bosses (where do they store them?), there are no additional chests. That might be from old raid Zul’aman, I don’t remember but I think there were additional items for fast kills.
You can check it out through AtlasLoot Cata, there is an additional level 353 loot that for some reason is not in this thread on Wowhead and in the blizzard guide.
Here is a photo of the available loot.:
I’ve read something on Wowhead that each NPC that you save from being sacrificed by defeating the boss in time limit, have chance to reward player with epic item, not just the one with mount.
Are those the items?
Can confirm. I’ve decided to risk being vote kicked for AFK and stayed behind after each boss, waiting for the NPC to break the lock on the chest while rest of the group was moving forward, and besides small piles of gold, we got three extra epic items from those chests.
Thus the answer to the OP’s question is: The chest for loot is near the cage where the NPC were held imprisoned, for the first four bosses.
Oh, that explains why there sometimes epics popping up after the initial boss loot. And I thought it was just random trash loot. good to know that it’s worth waiting a little.
I’ve been running this dungeon dozen of times since release of phase 2, and nobody ever talked to those NPC, waiting for them to unlock the chest with extra loot.
Only once in a while, they wait for the last one to get the mount, but they were always skipping the NPC for first three bosses.
I wasn’t aware about the existence of this extra loot, till I stumbled upon this discussion.
Everyone is rushing towards the end only to defeat the last boss ASAP, and queue for another one.