Noob Question


I came back to WoW recently and I need some help with how the systems work currently.

More specifically, I’m talking about the PVP gear. What’s the best thing to do right now considering season 4 is almost here?

Should I farm honor then buy the new PVP gear when the season starts and go straight into rated for conquest or should I just buy honor gear now as it doesn’t matter because the honor points reset?

Is the new PVP gear usable day 1 of the release of season 4 or how does it work?

Thank you!

If I remember correctly, Honor carries on to the next season.

So its important to have as much gear as you can get (especially the 2 PvP trinkets) right now, so you can carry it to S4.

And then, have at-least 15k Honor stashed up to buy the new honor gear as soon as S4 starts.

That is what I remember. But PvPers can correct me if im wrong.

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Yes you should cap honor. Also if I remember correctly, you can buy trophies of strife for 3500 honor each, to get better stuff than honorgear in the weeks before conquest gets uncapped.

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Isn’t the season 4 gear a higher ilevel than the current one? So isn’t it better to just stash honor to buy the S4 gear straight away?

Its been a while since I PvPd.

But if I recall correctly, 15k wont get you a full set of blue gear. Again, PvPers, correct me if im wrong.

So you dont want to start S4 but naked. Because I assume you are (since you said you started just recently).

So its not a bad idea to have some “old pvp gear” from S3 at the start of S4. Take in mind that your enemies will be full S3 conquest gear by now.

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