<Nordic Noobs> Darkspear and connected realms Alliance


Are you looking for somewhere to socialise in game?
Need help starting to run dungeons with friendly and helpful people?
Look no further!
The Alliance Guild On Darkspear, (connected to Terokkar, Saurfang, Executus, Bloodfeather and Kor’gall).
We are a social guild aimed at helping people of all skill levels to progress and be comfortable joining us in events.
we have a discord server for anyone who would like to join.
we are looking to expand this guild into a community, full of fun and adventure.
Why not join us on this journey?

If your interested contact me on here or message me or the GM on our battle tags below. Happy gaming!

BT -GM Ffjohnson#21135
Officer - Seventhseal#2668


Honest to God, my favorite place to be. Everyone is so welcoming, friendly, always there to help. I didn’t think I would ever find a guild/Discord group that is actually helpful. This community makes you feel like family.
And on top of it all I have never had so much fun in my life. Laughing so much that my stomach hurts for days🤣
If you want a chill and funn experience in wow, join us. You will not regret it❤️

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This is honetly a great place to be, the people here are super friendly, and they are always having a laugh and never short of somone trying to help out, I’m not sure I have been on when somone isn’t trying to run dungeons with a group or helping people level there alts, as a community in my opinion the is nowhere I’d rather be, and if you don’t beleve me, come and see for your self

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Hi all,

Still looking for adventurers to join us on our journey! Don’t be shy, come join the fun!