Honestly hope they will add soloq to the game will only open the pvp scene up for more people. I don’t really understand why there is such a small minority against it… Add more pvp content blizz !
And if someone can’t schedule their live around the game? What to do? For expample if I will suddenly need to leave for a week and than comeback? My teammates won’t be able to play the game for the whole week? There is a reason why 70 % if not more of the playerbase just log to do dailies. Cause they can’t go to raid, they have jobs, kids etc.
Please don’t add soloque, it would mean i’d have to play the game
Lot of people don’t realize that. They think like I can use solo que and don’t worry about lfg anymore, everyone is happy. Then when they will que and they will get brew master monk or fury warrior as team partners, because you can’t forbid queuing off-meta specs, they will come on forums and start whine about it.
People can also troll and left on purpose, etc. People bring that solo que arguments that they are in like dota/lol and don’t realize that moba and mmorpg and way different from each other and even in mobas there are a lot of issues with player behavior. Games in mobas don’t last 5 or 10 min like it can be in wow, therefore there are systems to check player behavior, during or when game ended, (even there this systems aren’t perfect) If he was intentionally feeding, was griefing, was toxic in chat. Will this systems exist in wow? Doubt. So what will stand in a way of a random guy who is on a bad mood, who doesn’t care for his cr at given moment and won’t press buttons because he doesn’t care.
If in moba you can more or less win 4v5 I am sure it won’t happen in 3v3. Also if in moba games you can mess up and play bad in the start there are comeback mechanisms as bounties in lol or the gold which increases by your kill streaks in dota. And considering the history of last expansions and how bad most systems were I doubt that solo que will work properly.
Uhm no, there are ways to get around such a limitation. It’s just that it requires a massive overhaul of the game in its core.
That would be a solo queue like every other game. It’s unheard of for a game with heroes and specs to lock you into only playing one thing before you’ve found a match, in a rated solo queue.
The problem with how the game locks you into playing only one thing is a problem for solo queue even Holinka acknowledged back in the day.
But you know, the ones who thinks simply adding solo queue would work like a dreamlike utopia don’t exactly understand the consequences of adding class/spec filters to a solo queue with the game locking you into only one character when you queue up.
#no solo q
comp dependant? u just do 1healer 1range 1meele and done it is or only viabl
es? dont come me with 5v5 it was always meme and never really fun to play lol
Just do 6X6 ranked RBG and let people fun in matches with matchmaking system.
Typical old excuse,i have real life u know…
Its so old,everyone is using it,and 99% of the time its not even a true,people are using it just because they don’t agree on something.
How about find same people like you,which is not hard consider there’s millions of people playing this game…And its not like you are aiming for glad,so don’t be lying people here with ‘‘i have real life u know’’
i want a soloque system, if nothing else they could go for a soloque and a teamque, it would be a good way to find people to, if you meet some nice people in soloque you could make a regular team with them. right now it usually takes more time finding people than actually playing 3’s, at least if your at a fairly high rating, which is really annoying.
“This does not apply to me, therefore I do not believe it, and thus it cannot be the case.”
You should become a politician.
I like the idea of solo que.
And this is the reason why your biggest success was playing absolutely broken warrior or moonkin in this season and you didn’t break 1800 before. If you say this game is not comp dependant then smoke half of that weird thing you are smoking.
Plz add soloqueue. The game is dying so hard atm, soon noone is going to care anymore. If you think the game can survive on the elitists and the 1%, you are dead wrong. I just want to play and gear up, I have no illusions about becoming the next whaaz or whatever. I have no desire to buy gear with gold or real money. I just want to play and have some sort of fair chance and progress. I have always tapped out at rival/duelist because I hate LFG and I hate the toxicity that comes with it. But on my fresh alt (200 ilevel) I can’t even play anymore, I have to sit for hours in lfg . If i do random bgs and skirmishes I get farmed by glad geared people. Plz add soloQ.
There’s also a fact most people can’t accept,and that is ‘‘you gotta accept that you maybe never reach 1800 or 2100 rating’’
People are too blind to see past ‘‘short queue times’’ what good solo rated queue is if you get arcane mage or fury warrior on your team?
There’s also billion other reasons why solo queue is never going to fix anything,other than short queue times.
If you care only about short queue times and not about gear,because solo rated queue doesn’t mean you gonna get desired rating,play skirmish then.
hmm? i played 1,8k on priest,boomie,hunter for the transmogs i dont compete i am on my private server bubble i gonna lvl for tbc and thats it and my warrior i am rn equipping for the 1,8 wit hweekly vaults i not gonna sit there and grind conquest points lol
shadowlands pvp is not fun at all but the sets look cool soooo…maybe the next addon i like more or maybe if they bring 3v3 soloq like on every arena private realm
Arena Tournament for exmaple most fun ever…its so good and many “Pro” or HighMMR people promoted the system already its soooo good
wotlk pvp is fun
and i consider even tbc more fun drinking half of ur game the bottle
Teams? yeah if your friend is not online you can play and keep rating which you have with your friend but you will have to start from scratch everytime team drops after 1 loss. Making it even harder to pass certain rating for new players and casuals …with this clown fiesta gearing system ?
You are almost more out of touch then blizzard which is hard to achiev. Congratz
you know that some poeple doesnt care about rating and just want to chill in random bgs and they cant because they are 200 ilvl and get stomped. If they bring wod gearing it will be much better and lot of people will stop complaining. Yeah there is another group of people which want to get rating in soloque and have competetive games which im not one of those but since i see how bad is lfg at this moment im supporting soloque so pvp have more then 10k players.
The only guys who are against soloq are:
- Boosters
- Boosted
- Planning to buy a boost.
Soloq would make it next to impossible to boost. So these 3 groups of ppl panick. They cant pretend to be good anymore.
Premade arena remains unchanged, so i can still buy all the boost i want (with in game gold currency) and pretend that i’m good.
These day will never get back.
That what happen with classic, people thought that it will be way less toxic, way less elitist and will not be judge on what they were playing. And there will be no boosting systems.
When they launched WoW Classic, it was deception :
- if you played dungeon, it was mage / war / healer / warlock only, people were more elitist than in retail (BFA)
- People were not that in to add into friend list than in retail ( personnal experience)
- instead of LFG, people were just spamming /join LookingForGroup
Also i don’t think team will solve the issue we got today : to be accepted with everything.
I think it will be more worst from the fact that people will expect X Specialisation knowing it will be “forever” (if they don’t want to loose rating).
Also it stop the discovery of new spec, if for example for TBC you got mage, what would be the reason to be with a paladin.
The memory we got, the good time we lived, cannot be the same today.