Cuz its their job. They are not type of players like “Heh, will play 10-15 arena matches on Saturday, yea!” And most of casual players can’t find stable teammates, cuz they have IRL things, mb work.
Most of the playerbase are old players who started this game as kids, but now they have lives, jobs, kids and cant sit on the PC eating doritos and smashing arenas all day. Times change.
That’s never going to happen if you actually get to know people and form friendships.
Its your own fault if you get kicked by staying in team on the first place,after you realized what kind of POS is the leader.
BTW teams were not removed because of kicking.They were removed because top players cried rivers of tears because they wanted to play with different people.
People played better when there were teams.You got to build synergy with other players.
Nowadays people change 40 partners a day,and they wonder why they cant make any progress.
Raiders throughout the lifespan of WoW has shown that scheduling ahead to play together is always going to be possible. There are many people who can do that, so the player base would not even come close to dying out if teams would be a thing again.
TBC Classic will show a change from how people connect in PvP and how rating is progressed compared to retail if they go with the old system, and better social atmospheres overall.
But that doesn’t mean teams needs to become a thing again. Honestly, teams needs realm communities, so forming teams now wouldn’t really fit into the game the way it is now.
^ That goes over basically everything.
^ That goes over what a solo queue would require, for the most part.
I would love to see teams return. I would prefer a system of carrots instead of punishment though, a team should be more about giving rewards instead of punishing people that doesn’t have a team.
The incentive to get a team together should however be very strong.
Locking rating into teams is a bit of an issue though.
A simple and fairly shallow addition, but probably would be pretty effective, would be to add teams but not have a team rating per se. If everyone would save their personal rating and the team rating would become the median of the players in the team, so you would be able to hop between different teams, then that’d bring back the cosmetics part of teams at least.
But I don’t think xrealm works with locking rating to the teams though. It relies more on realm communities and social status in these communities to work properly.
As for addressing the motivation to form teams and play more regularly together in this world of xrealm, I’d suggest:
^ that. It’s basically just a way to give people a stronger reason to want to play with the same people more often.
Because this eternal game of shuffle is just dysfunctional.
how about both? bro u lose nothing if u get soloq? u gain reallymuh it worked so perfect on prealm and they had so good conepts it was so fun…and the best thing is u can add people in soloq for playing flexranked?
One key difference between prealms and blizzard realms is the administration. On prealms you’ve got GMs working diligently, while on Blizzard servers they tend to rely on automated systems instead of manual oversight.
I miss teams as well but I don’t see it happening because gaming evolved over the years. I’d rather see solo queue and maybe something like battle cups in dota where you sign in as 4 members team and you play vs other premade teams from your bracket for some cosmetic rewards in game.
I think that this game needs some form of solo queue even if it’s not 2v2 or 3v3. I always said that 5v5 seems like the best option for implementing solo queue.
3v3 is the best option for Soloq? as Private Server showed? like what are u on 5v5 soloq? 3v3 is the most competetiv Gmaemode in this Game with M+ and u wanna implement 5v5 fiesta
Because 3v3 is too much comp dependant and that private server that tried it did it with Wrath version that is 11 years old at the moment. With the current version it wouldn’t work so well.
Why 5v5? Because it’s less comp dependant and if you set it to be at least 1 caster, at least 1 meele and 2 healers it will be quite competitive. Weaker specs like MW can be covered by 2nd healer and shine because of insane output. Specs like Outlaw or Demo can bring something to the table even though in 3s they aren’t the most desired ones. Mister small iq.
If they really want it, they can add it for RBG first, since this community is already like so small. But im to scared of the negative side effects of Soloque.
While Soloque seems like a solution, its the worst of solutions. Id rather get a better one.