Not a fan of Dalaran questline

Just did the questline, and just like all other mainquests these past years in WoW. It feels like its written for a new audience and not the Old warcraft fans, ofc there are those who disagree.
But i feel like the write off old characters rewrite their personas. Thrall seems way to timid. “Nice” undeads, just a few.

And now back to Dalaran, no more dalaran, lets bury the old and in with the new “peaceloving” ways, just like most of the mainquests. Again just my opinion but i feel like the War in Warcraft is gone.


I liked it. Really

I love it, it was interesting Lore content.

This quest also added happy endings between Jaina and Aethas, the Silver Covenant, and the Sunreavers.

It’s important to end conflicts.:pray:

So he is more like he has been portrayed in every media outside of Warcraft 3? Books, expansions etc ? Also him becoming a father and growing older

We Just genocided a neruibien race and are about to head into a cartel war next patch O.o

What would you have wanted to see ? More torture scenes with Kelthuzad ?

I’m not sure how you label the destruction of an entire city state and the death of the vast majority of its population, a main hero being literally crippled, survivors being traumatised and depressed as “peaceloving”?

I get that they’re not angrily shouting for vengeance but they literally can’t. On top of that, the line “no more meddling in politics” or whatever variation of Kadhgar said, is literally the least “modern audience” thing they’ve done in a long time. Aforementioned audiences love turning everything into politics. These guys are like saying “yeah we’re going into isolation and not getting involved anymore cya”.

It’s probably the first darker story beat in an otherwise indeed very “peaceloving” (since DF) plot.

Wholeheartedly agree. The whole melancholic, sombre tone just feels off in a high fantasy, cartoonish game that WoW is. To me it felt like a parody. Couldn’t help but cringe when Jaina/Khadgar/Kalecgos uttered over-the-top one-liners like ‘We must acknowledge our past errors and correct our course’.
Themes of forgiveness and moving on were tackled well by Warcraft in the past - in the Alliance/Jaina storyline in BfA. Here they just felt half-hearted, hasty and honestly a bit pompous.

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Dalaran being gone is gladly not the fault of the Horde this time so we can finally stop the blame game.

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