Not a single class is appealing - is it time?

So over the course of pandaria remix and now the last 3 days I tried out a good amount of classes WoW Retail has to offer.

I could not find a single class that I want to play.
That has a good amount of reasons.

Warrior, what used to be my go to class I played in every expansion is literally unplayable for me. Fury is a massive button bloated spam build and you have to press a skill every 0.5 seconds like a crazy madman. Arms warrior on the other hand is confusingly complex and centred around doing very high damage for a short amount of time and then no damage at all anymore. Tank is okish but feels a bit like you trying to spam aoes on singletarget.

And that’s my go to class I played since BC to this day

Other classes are even worse.
For some its the button bloat and overcomplexity, for others its that I am not a single bit interested in the class fantasy. I haven’t found a class that fits my interest or need for at least slightly easier game play. I skilled trees and tried to pick as few actives as possible to have easier rotations but to no avail. Minimum button amount was 6 buttons and 3 cooldowns with beastmaster and a under 1 second GCD.

Since the patch I tried out most of the classes in a near panic to find something to play for TWW. And I was told near every class gets MORE buttons in TWW.

Does that mean its time for me to quit WoW? Has the game diverged to much from my gaming habits? It kind of sucks since I have 3 month gametime left and already bought TWW.


You lost me at fury is button bloat and arms in complex.


Priest is appealing you just have to play it properly instead of trying them on remix which is hardly a good feel for how classes are meant to perform.


I do not actually mean the “power” or “numbers”
I am talking amount of buttons to press and actions per minute to perform.
They all feel to much and overburden me.
Remix actually felt better then retail does for some classes cause the tempo is so high that because of advanced cooldowns you can leave out some spells out of your rotation and deal more damage that way.

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Play a hunter then if you don’t want to learn a rotation, I don’t mean to sound wide or rude but it sounds like you just don’t want to put effort into learning a class but if you’re genuinely struggling to learn a class and you feel it is indeed overburdening you then go with BM Hunter it literally requires 0 skill and has the most new player friendly rotation of any class and spec.


I’m actually thinking about moving over to Hunter. Mostly because I’m getting older, and I don’t really have the focus to make sure I’m using the right rotation etc.

Just chilling with a Hunter is so appealing at the moment.

Just trying to decided if to make it Horde or Alliance.


That has nothing to do with “learning a rotation” anymore when you have like 5 spells that all have “low but not 0 cooldowns” and you have to manage split second decisions paired with resource management and you cap when you take only 1 second to think about what to do next.

Its been 1 hour when I played BM hunter. Its a mix of managing perfect uptime of barbed shot with super fast use of procs and cooldowns and if you just press one false GCD you actually botched the next 10 seconds of your damage cause one of the many minibuffs that empower your beast fall off or you wasted a kill command proc. On top of that you have that parallel direbeast and beastial wrath rotation that you have to also manage to use at the right time or else it makes nearly no damage at all.

Also the GCD is under 1 second witch makes for near 100 APM. I don’t even need so much APM at a shooter or moba nowadays.

EDIT: Also why does EVERY Hunter need explosion shot in its rotation? Why is that a must skill now?


Hunter has more to it than people think, BM is easy but maintaining 3 stacks of barb for an entire encounter and prioing as many KC as possible without missing a GCD or keeping beast cleave active at all times on multi target is apparently something some people steuggle with.


Just go play classic bro if you want to sit and auto attack a boss and press one button.

Maybe retail isn’t suited for you anymore at this rate and I mean that sincerely.


I would also suggest a hunter. It’s not a difficult class to player, especially if you go with Beast Mastery…and the taming system is broad enough that you can potentially get a lot of mileage out of acquiring specific pets that align with your personal tastes.

Exactly what I am thinking but I have that nagging feeling I wasted money on TTW and I actually do like the systems. I just don’t understand why we need so many actives on every class. It cant be that this is always the developers solution for EVERY MMO out there when it gets older.
“More buttons to make it not boring for those guys that are already near perfect players after 15 years”

I do understand where it comes from I just hoped to suddenly find a class that has only 4 to 5 buttons and not under 1 sec GCD.

I mean that’s still rather complex with resource management and procs.
More complex then any shooter or moba. Even Eldenring is easier to control and play for me then wow for some reason.
And I am missing only one ending in Eldenring and have 98% Achievements.
I am not scared of challenges or want it to be to easy for me.


Its mainly down to keeping Warcraft relevant and also interesting you’ll find that warcraft really isn’t marketed to your old players. “I’m 31” and I don’t consider myself the demographic for Vanilla / Classic even though I played it as a young kid because it feels super outdated slow and just straight up boring.

Now for current retail its more designed for the new generation in my book and that’s just always gonna be the case I like faster pace fights interesting mechanics cool rotations its just preference at the end of the day you buying TWW isn’t a waste of money considering that you DONT have to raid or do M+ theirs loads of content within the sphere in retail warcraft you could even set urself a goal to get 30000 achievement points by the end of the year.

You make the game enjoyable by creating your own goals, Also eldenring is a cake walk I solo the last boss for people on the DLC all the time when I’m bored. lol

The thing is I also find classic to be to boring…
I don’t want 1 or 2 button rotations. Why is it always “10 buttons” or “1 button” why cant it be 5 buttons with 1 or 2 procs and bit of recourse management.

Stuff just happens to fast in retail. You can have spend all your focus as hunter and only 1 second later you are full again because a strange combination of procs happened that give you back 100 focus and then again you can be starved of all focus for like 5 seconds and in focus waiting room.

You could say you don’t have to be perfect in rotations but I played some worldcontent in Dragonflight. When you don’t use your cds enemies are tanky as hell and don’t die. I cant imaging this to not be the same in TWW, meaning normal enemies will still be somewhat challenging and kill you fast if you aren’t careful.

There are only three dps specs that I currently enjoy: BM Hunter (plays like a “ranged melee”), Frost DK, and Devastation Evoker.

None of these have complex rotations. Dual wield Frost DK is a little spammy, but not like Fury Warrior. All three are good with ST and AoE, and AoE is straight forward and not fiddly.

I don’t enjoy dps specs with too many buttons that do the same thing, too many conditions required to do real damage, too long damage CDs, and generally too many spinning plates.

You could also try tanking or healing. Or aug evoker, in which case 95% of the players won’t be able to tell if you know what you’re doing (admittedly it’s a bit more visible in TWW).

Healing has it little problem that you are vastly underpowered in world content to the point where you cant do some of the world quests. At least that what happened to me when I tried to quest with a restoration shaman.

I would love to heal but I don’t want to switch to another class/spec every time I am done doing group content.

That is something, which I can really understand. For example I always want to play the spec I aim too. So far this tank, I leveled as prot, so things take time to kill, so I can understand from a healing point of view, you’ll be healing yourself, while throwing out a random dps spell here or there.

I have one of each class, but for TWW. I’m still in that mindset of what do I main >_<

Also little sidenote, a friend of mine did quit wow cause healing got overly complex and he said some times he had to take a nap before healing a raid to be fit enough to keep the raid alive since it seems to be spammy as hell to heal? And people take huge damage all the time even when they are good players? To a point where you are panic healing the whole fight in some encounters?

Mind you my friend mained a healer for 10 years, even sometimes in mythic raiding.
If that’s true no wonder we have to wait for a healer for 1 hour in a random instance xD

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All healers have a dps spec or two. Most gear (if not all of it) will work for both healing and dps. It may not be perfect, but for world content it would be perfectly sufficient. You’re not usually doing full rotations while questing and such, so complexity is less of an issue.

I can’t competently play elemental shaman in group content, but it’s always been sufficient for world content and other solo stuff. In groups I’ve almost always healed on my shaman. (In TWW I’ll play a DK for a change of pace.)

I am talking NOT having to go into another spec. For me each spec is its own class as vastly different as most specs are to each other.

you don’t play druid. you play CATDRUID, or CASTERDRUID…two different classes it feels like.

I agree that a lot of specs in retail have too much stuff going on, to the extent that they are only playable with complex WeakAuras or other addons.

Give the addon Hekili a try. I find it super useful. It helps teach you a spec and it reminds you on what you shoul press, so you can focus more on the dungeon or raid. I’d recommend adjusting its default config a bit:

  • Show only the next 2 abilities. 3 fluctuates too much and just leads to confusion.
  • Use the view/mode that combines everything (including major CDs, trinkets, defensives)
  • Position it somewhere close to the center of your screen with an icon size you clearly see, so that you always have it in your visual focus.
  • Learn how to disable its recommendations for specific trinkets or other abilities, in case you have some that you want to manually decide on when to use.

The downside of Hekili is that after patches and class/spec reworks, it can take a while until the sim-craft and Hekili community finds the ideal priority rules for each spec, so it might not give great recommendations.

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