Not all Roleplay is valid

Kaitylinn out here hiding what the true purpose of Stonehenge was from us barbaric, modern humans. When are you going to share your Celtic secrets?


Eredar was quickly turned into the name of their demonic brethren, so they distanced themselves from that name. “Man’ari” means something twisted and wrong, so man’ari eredar roughly translates to “twisted eredar”.

edit: Distantpeak beat me to it!


Even still I don’t think that’s a reason to dismiss someone RPing a Draenei who would prefer to call themselves Eredar. If anything it’s an RP hook.

I understand ignoring people because their character concept flies in the face of lore. I don’t understand ignoring people because their character is incorrect about things IC.
It’s actually very fun to be incorrect on purpose and very boring to have your character know every little bit of lore perfectly.


I think draenei would know to not call themselves eredar after their people helped wipe out most of the universe :man_shrugging:

I glossed that over there.
If it actually came up, ever. It’d be interesting and give discussions. So far, I’ve not experienced this.

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It’d be like a germanic person calling themselves an ar*an, I guess?

Man’ari is the slur against demons, Eredar is the old name for their people now claimed by said demons.

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A sensible draenei, sure. But there’s something to be said about people RPing illogical and unreasonable characters, and it’s something we could use more of. So long as the player understands that what their character is saying is incorrect and unusual, I think it’s harmless and fun RP.


Though utterly unexplored by Shadowlands, there should be somewhat of a dynamic going on between the old and new DKs.

As I recall, the newly raised swear fealty to Bolvar and the Ebon Blade, whereas the ones from Light’s Hope broke free from their fealty to the Lich King and earned their freedom to fight for the Alliance and the Horde.

They’re all still killing machines, but with all that’s happened some may feel more loyal to their respective faction than the Ebon Blade, and so they may spend intervals in faction hubs inbetween deployments. Big emphasis on the “may” because this is just a thing I find possible within the frameworks of the lore.

And it still doesn’t excuse Plaguedude Shadowmuncher having a pint at the Pig while flies are crawling out of his ears.


Nobody’s going to swipe your ale if it’s full of face-maggots, though!

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To play the devil’s advocate (:roll_eyes:) Thassarian did have a pint in a pub to remember his sister, because it was an activity the two enjoyed a great deal in life. But it only ended up turning to sorrow when he realised he couldn’t taste it or gain any join in it anymore.

He wasn’t banned from the pub in the end as much as the innkeeper gently suggested that it might be better to seek another establishment because his presence was making the other patrons nervous and that was bad for his business. His motivation was financial, not one of prejudice (though it’s possibly he just didn’t want to upset a death knight).

In the end, while death knights aren’t banned from bars, they’re not made to feel very welcome either and some barkeepers might want you gone because it impacts their profit.


I don’t think you’re playing devil’s advocate on that. It’s an important piece of lore, imo.

It often gets lost in the discourse and stereotypes, but DKs can still be individuals capable of feelings, with wants and needs of their own. The dark hunger is what throws the wrench in the works (and yknow the probable ptsd).

Thassarian and Koltira’s story are exemplary demonstrations of this.


True. Who’s to say that some relatively young draenei wouldn’t want to reclaim and redeem the eredar name? Perhaps they’ve romanticized “the good old days” in their head and figured the time was right, what with the Legion more or less in utter disarray.

Most reasonable draenei would immediately consider it a misguided and ultimately futile quest, but it’s not the most outlandish idea I’ve ever heard of.

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If the RP around that could come up organically, it’d be cool.
For most it just seems to exist in their TRP and nothing more.
I (in my own bias) assume it’s just to be different, as opposed to anything interesting.

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:pill: if you are a Draenei who refers to themselves as “Eredar” IC or use “Eredar” for the race description then you are completely missing the point.


Top tier yet generic advice for roleplay: make it make sense.

Thank you for coming to my Bee talk.


so… now let’s go back to talk about big draenei stermination…

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Not if they never bought into it to begin with.

And that’s the whole point.

One thing I often see in RP that I find very much on the not-at-all-ok side is how some players treat mental illness.
I knew someone whose character, supposedly, had PTSD. No triggers, no aversion to normal life or freezing in place on the battlefield. Sometimes he’d just stare into the fireplace and be like “man”.

I always try to depict those things with tact and respect… But there’s literally a dude going around Stormwind with an “autism” slider in his TRP… As if you can quantify that with a single number.


Well it IS a spectrum :nerd_face:

But in all serious that’s mad RP and I don’t like seeing wacky OOC trends (lets be honest mental illness hype is a trend) in RP & profiles.
But you say you were in Stormwind. I’m not surprised.

I believe that person is also playing a character who’s race or class is “teenager” if it’s the one I’m thinking of. And they always play child characters.

They’re either somebody extremely young, or (unfortunately more likely) somebody who really needs to sort themselves out.