<Not Dead Yet>

Due to an influx of members with Shadowlands launch we’re currently not recruiting new members.

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Hi There,

I’m a returning player from The Netherlands looking for a social guild to play with. I started playing wow during vanilla back in 2006, but after the 3rd or 4th x-pack, I stopped playing actively (raiding & arena) and just came back every expansion to play until level cap.

WOW classic kinda brought me back to this game, but after a few levels, I realized that the game was and still is such a big time sink and i don’t have that amount of free time anymore. The current retail version is much more casual friendly however and fits my lifestyle better. Now I’m 30 I’ll be playing during the day when my son is taking a nap and about 2 evenings a week, more if real life allows it. I’ll be rerolling a fresh character (with lvl boost to 110) and have not decided which class yet.

I’m not really looking for raiding content, due to lack of time. But I am looking for people to play small-group content and battlegrounds with, alongside a fun guild chat. Atm, I kinda miss the community feeling in retail, something wow classic has a lot more due to not having a lfg app. That’s why I want to find a fun bunch of people to play with and reading this post looks like i found them!

I’ve added you to my battle.net friend list, hope to speak to you there soon! :smiley:

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Hey Toshiro! We have lots of lovely people to run dungeons with and group up with for stuff!
We have a Discord server to keep in touch in and out of the game and get groups rolling for various content :blush:
We are typically busiest during the evening’s, but usually have people about all day.

I’ll hop onto BNet and we can chat more and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about the guild! :blush:

Hello there! I am a retuning player, I am far behind actual content (ilvl340) and I would love to join a guild that helps with runs and so on so I can keep up to date with the game :wink:

Hey there. I’m looking for a new server to call home and found my way onto Magtheridon. Wondering if you have a cozy place left at the fireplace for someone with lots but crazy online times.
Levelling atm to get to know the server, but will transfer some of my old characters at a later date.

I’m fitting this category of player, though I do dungeons every now and then when I feel up to it.

Added you in Bnet… (I’m that Dread gal :wink: …) Hope to hear from you.

Hi Envera! We welcome people just looking to enjoy the game and have some fun! We usually have people online at most times of day and even if people aren’t in game there is always someone about to chat to on Discord! :smiley:
I’ll add you on BNet and we can have a proper chat!

Hi! I’ve just come back to wow after leaving during wotlk, and it’s all rather overwhelming how different everything is! The best thing about playing before was always my guild, and I love the sound of yours, so I’d love to chat to you about it and see if I could be a good fit for you guys. Would that be ok?

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Hi Isithil, thanks for getting in touch! Our lovely guildies are helpful and friendly so you’ll always have someone to answer questions about the newer content. We have a wide range of experience in the guild with people that have been playing since Vanilla, some who quit years ago and are now back in the game or people that are totally new! so you’re certainly not alone in trying to find your way round all the new content :slight_smile:

Add me on Discord (xxxx) and/or BNet (xxx) for a chat and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have and get you a guild invite! :slight_smile:


i am looking for a new home to return back to raiding after taking a break this patch.
I Main a fire mage and am building up my ilvl as best as possible.
all the stuff in wow intrests me. The pve,pvp content all the crazy and special places. And Cow darts xp

Atm im female BE named luxu. however next path i shall race change to a vulperra named vulpine.

If u would have a spot for me that be awesome.
Anyhows best o luck

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Hi Luxu! We welcome anyone looking for a happy WoW home for all kinds of content. :blush: Our reading structure is very flexible and we always have room for more DPS! Plus we run loads of M+ for gearing and good times!

Add me on Discord (xxx) or BNet (xxx) for a chat and I’ll answer any questions you have :blush:

Thinking to move my char ( or most probably do a new one) to eng speaking server like this. But the question not only for the guild but more for your guild on this exact server. Do you feel it is dying slowly? As I see only 2 alive conversations on this realm section… So just wondering…

Heya Торбиен! I understand your concerns, but I can assure you that our guild is certainly not dying, in fact we’re growing and welcoming lovely new people into our happy community regularly! The server doesn’t seem to by dying either, still plenty of people around and we’ve not been merged with any other servers.
If you’d like more info about our raid structure, mythic plus fun times, social stuff, outside of WoW nonsense or anything else, give me a shout on Discord (xxx) or BNet (xxx) for a chat! :blush:


Im keen on joining and would consider a realm xfer, I have added you on Bnet and Discord my tag DrewZA#2784. Would be cool to have a chat

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We’re still welcoming any lovely people to join us for all sorts of fun stuff in game and out!
If you’d like to give raiding or mythic dungeons a go but pugs have put you off then our laid back runs with experienced people are a great way to get into the content and learn the ropes!

Hit me up on Discord or BNet for a chat and invite if you’re interested! :blush:

Hi there,

I just made my first ever horde character after playing alliance for 12 years (with a few small breaks).

I am looking for guild and the stuff i read here is something i am looking for. I am slowly getting my gear and will be guardian/balance druid. Though i have never tanked before, trying to learn that. I have played balance as main spec on ally side.

Do you still accept new members?


Hey Telchak! Welcome to the Horde, you’re gonna love it! :smile:
We always welcome any lovely people who want to join us! Let’s chat and I’ll answer any questions you have. :blush:

Hello there,

I’m looking for a place to enjoy the game, since most of my friends actually got bored of retail and either moved to vanilla or quit. Currently rerolled to BM hunter and done some stuff. Wondering if you still recruit new people for your ranks. I’m trying to enjoy every aspect of the game, but from a casual perspective, since i don’t have that much free time anymore.

I’d be glad hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Hi Cogfoot! Thanks for getting in touch :slight_smile: We always welcome any lovely people who want to join us for all kinds of fun stuff. We have events and activities to cover everything from super casual to semi hardcore so there is something for more people plus loads of lovely people to hang out with!

If you add me on Discord (xxx) or BNet (xxx) I can answer any questions you have and sort you out with a guild invite if you’d like one :slight_smile:


I would love to join your guild. Came back to WoW after a big break and I’m kinda lost and scared, lots of new stuff.

I sent you a discord friend request (Waffuru#9998) so we could talk more if you don’t mind.

Hope to hear from you soon :slight_smile:

Added some some small updates to the guild info.

We’ve got lots of friendly people ready to welcome any lovely people to the guild! If you’re interested in joining and/or you’d like more info then hit me up and I’ll be happy to answer your questions! :blush: