Not enough memory message and crashing since 11.0 patch

Seems to be fine now. ty

Literally tried everything I could find in this post and still the game is crashing, and it’s not my pc because my other games run just fine.

I never thought it would happen, but it’s actually killing my will to even play the game the week of an expansion launch.

I closed my launcher after I loaded game fixed bg crashes for me it seems.

Ps pinched this off redit. when memory was being used up, launcher was the problem not the game, this was after soposed fix didnt work.

Still having this issue. Add-ons are turned off. As soon as I pull up the character menu, memory is consumed exponentially and things are still dreadful in Valdrakken. No OOM crashing yet, but there’s clearly still a devastating memory leak. I’m playing on Arch Linux w/ Wayland thru the latest Proton GE. Hopefully it gets fixed before launch.

Same probleme here, since the EA got few crash but very rare.

Now Since this saturday afternoon its crashes non stop.

Fix your game please

These are the English support forums, not French.

French speakers have their own support forums.

L2Read (by simply clicking on the link), I translated. I quoted the original post 'cause the idea is not from me. Its called respect.

Your comment is 100% useless.

I ll translate


I ve the same solution and I have found a solution on the US forums. Maybe it’s temporaly but atleast I can play.

The goal is to do the opposite of overclocking by reducing the performance core ratio (speed)
My computer is an Aurora 15 with intel 13th gen and 4090 GPU

You need to use the Intel’s tool called " intel-extreme-tuning-utility "

I add the direct link:

You need to reduce from 55 (default) to 52.
For me it seem to works.
And if I forgot to set like this then its re-crash again like before.

I hope it will help.


I tried then it also works for me.

You’ve translated it NOW, it wasn’t translated when you initially posted it. It shows in your post that you edited it.


absolutely not the post in general discussion was translated without editing.

you was just too lazy for click and think “omg french blabla bla this frog post on the wrong forum”

you made a mistake, its happen.

take my tips and or share it, it works.

end of discussion.

Ces processeurs Intel sont une menace!

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Is there a way to work out which of the issues is the cause?

I have done most of what the help articles have said. I’m also using 32gb of DDR5 RAM so more than capable or running wow! When the crashes happen CPU usage is reportedly less than 60% too!

Thanks in advance

Hi Felranys,

i still have issues with this crash.
Might be caused by my machine - i´m using a Surface Laptop 7 (16GB Ram) which is an Snapdragon (ARM) device

Regarding the crash:
After leveling my alts i didn´t login for a week or so.
Back then, the prepatch/event worked fine (with the old bosses and so on)

Today it kept crashing. Following workflow:

  1. tried to login. it kept crashing during login with the forementioned error message (not enough memory)

  2. After several tries i deleted following folders: Cache, Interface, WTF

  3. After that, an update was available and automatically installed

  4. After installing the update, i was able to login fine :partying_face:

  5. The resolution and game quality settings were reduced to (can´t remember the resolustion, it was a very low one, and the graphics quality setting was set to 2.

  6. I raised the settings again to max resolution and increased to 5/6.

=> The needed Ram usage for WoW is after adjusting the graphic settings at least doubled, and it seems that the demand is becoming more. At one point the complete laptop is not usable anymore, i can´t click anything and have to do a hard shutdown with the hardware button and have to restart the device.
This is reproducible (and therefore i can´t send you the crash log, i because i can´t click the button anymore…)

Overall i need to say, that WoW is working pretty well on ARM.
As an early adopter i did expect more issues.

Had today after the 3xx mb patch again a crash while trying to login into the game. Again a “memory not sufficient” exception.
I did send a crash report with following message id:

AFther that i did all of those steps again.
No new patch today, but the game did start again :partying_face:
But after increasing resolution and graphic settings again (to check if the last patch did improve something), i was running out of memory again.
But this time the game thankfully crashed and i could send another report, with following id: 78E0DC21-B68E-4966-9419-C2ADD38679B0

Guess i just keep deleting cache, wtf, and interface for the moment and play with lower graphic settings (managed to do the dalaran quest chain with a higher resolution, so increasing this only and leave the graphics setting on 2 or so should be fine)

Is the game running natively on ARM?
I think any emulation or recompilation could twist the problem.

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Yes, WoW is actually available as a native arm version. :slight_smile:

One just needs to download the game again (the exe is named with an -arm64 appendix).

I think one issue they managed to resolve - had a glance at the exception, and it was trying to read a file which can´t be there on my client.
They fixed this issue, but still have some weired crashes (including one Bluescreen :frowning: ) with my arm device.

My old x64 devices work without issue.
A bit annyoing, the client was, until/during the TWW pre event, very stable, and now i have issues in all WoW versions sigh

might create a new topic for it, but not sure if it´s worth it (arm devices probably don´t have a very high priorty)