Not enough memory message and crashing since 11.0 patch

Just got this 5 mins ago when flying in Stormheim, Been playing last 2 days without seeing it though.

I have 32 gig of ram with only wow and spotify open. Doubt I lack memory.

I’m using Windows 11.

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I very much doubt that will help.

If you have some specific problem that nobody else is having, then it is reasonable to assume there is something wrong with your installation, on your PC.

In this case, LOTS of people are having similar symptoms. It is unlikely, then, that it is specific to your PC. So the problem is probably with the client, and reinstalling the same client, with the same bug, will just waste your own time.

I have no doubt the devs will squish this one pretty quickly; it is clearly not a rare bug, and should be easy enough to identify.

Honestly, the complete silence from Blizzard (other than one post blaming users when I’m pretty sure between everyone who has posted every possible fix has been tried) is arguably even more concerning than the actual bug. A confirmation that they’re at least looking into a way to fix this would be good.

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Hey all,

Thank you for your replies today. Our developers believe that they found the issue, and applied a fix, if you want to try again. :pray:

While we won’t be able to provide any update on this before Monday, our developers are monitoring the situation on their end, in case the crashes continue.


What caused the issue?

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Nevermind what I wrote below. I’ve been doing M+ for 3 hours since that post, and there’s been no crash so far. The fix might actually have worked. I’ll update if anything changes.

Thanks for the reply. When was the fix applied? Because ~20min and ~1h ago, rather than just the client crashing, the game froze my PC entirely and I had to press the power button to shut it down…

(I did use “/console set ResampleAlwaysSharpen 0”)

Hey, thanks for this – and apologies if my previous message just above came across as rude. I know as CM you can’t do more for us than communicate and I let the worry get to me, what with early access next week.

For any hardcore players that are waiting to play. I restarted my game when this message was sent, and haven’t crashed yet.

Edit: 3 hours later and I haven’t crashed once. Previously I crashed constantly.
Some people on the NA forum still have some sort of issue though.

Had one crash before the fix and no crash now but it does take alot of resources still…
Currently runs at >4GB RAM and >35% CPU. Although I dont know what “normal” would be…

with almost 3 hours and 9 LFRs within MoP remix, there is definitely more stability.
So far not even one crash. If so, i will report, otherwise take it as fixed.

Thank you for the late night shift on a Friday to everyone involved!

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I’m still having this issue as of the ‘fix’. Seems marginally better outside of cities but repeatedly crashing within a minute or two of logging in, so the game is currently unplayable for me.

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Warband login screen with the fireplace starts consuming insane amounts of memory before I even enter the game. Then number is usually higher than anything you would expect in a 80 player battleground.

When I would afk in a completely empty older zone, memory usage would eventually drop down to less than 3GB but this isn’t consistently happening any more and it lingers at an average of 6.5GB which can be expected from a high traffic area which I flew through more than an hour ago.

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It has become my wish to be able to use the map. I just have one serious question that really matters to me, and I hope someone answers. If there was a bug in the system that was detrimental to the company, for example, when using a token, it counted 3 months instead of 1 month, would it still take this long to fix?
Please fix this bug I can’t use the map anymore; everything will freeze, and I’ll have to close the game and reopen it.

This started happening for me too , somehow the last hotfix seemed to have triggered it. getting regular hangs (15-20 sec) when multitasking , and the game often hangs and crashes with error #123

I am in Windows 11.

last 2 days cant even open the game, crashes on retrieving character list.
did repair, reinstall, windows and drivers update, nothing works.

And ofc this happens on work free weekend.

Update: still happening for me but the issue seems limited to the new patch content as far as I can tell. No issues playing remix or when my characters are in older zones (stormwind is fine, for example) yet as soon as I zone into Valdrakken or Dalaran, I instantly crash with this memory error. Annoying really as most of my characters are camped in Valdrakken and I can’t connect for long enough to even hearth them out!

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Still happening

Hello, im not getting crashes anymore but now everytime I login my pc starts doing weird noises, like a fan but its weird im not sure what to do but only happens when I open wow so I assume its not my pc? Im kinda sad because I have early access and theres no news for this problem.

This is a mixed bag of problems. I am currently standing afk inside of a druid’s portal (emerald dreamway) and RAM had dropped down to ~1.8GB over the last 10 minutes.

However the moment I return to the capital city it will spike back up to ~5GB. If I then log out and wait for a while on the login screen (warband fireplace in particular) it will not start dropping for the next 30 minutes until I am dropped from server for inactivity.

Frequently, but not always after I simply relog into the same character, an unusually high amount of RAM will be utilized the moment the world loads up and it will take forever to drop down. If I keep repeating this process over a short period of time, eventually I will run out of RAM.

Hello all :slight_smile:

After checking the latest reports in this thread, I’d like to quickly chip in to try and clarify a couple of points as technical issues can be quite confusing and frustratingdue to their natural complexity.

  • The root cause of the specific type of crashes originally reported by the OP in this thread has been indeed located and fixed.
  • All of the reports highlighted in this thread after the time of said fix (applied shortly before the time Yryadorne posted the last update) are due to other causes. Some may show similar error messages - which can understandably cause some confusion - but all are ultimately different in nature.
  • In most cases, it appears that the remaining crashes are falling under either software conflict (e.g. overlays, drivers, third party apps), or LUA errors (often tied to user interface issues or installation corruption), and while in some cases they may show a memory related error, they have ultimately nothing to do with what was originally reported here.

Given the above, I would like to suggest all of you that are still experiencing crashes to look at the sections “Crashing problems” and “User interface problems” of this article and try the highlighted steps.
Please also make sure to close all background applications.

I know I may be asking a ton, however since in a lot of cases the steps highlighted in the linked articles can be actually effective (:exploding_head:, I know!) I strongly encourage everyone to keep an open mind and give them a shot :slight_smile:

On a side note, I would like to also suggest everyone to make sure the checkbox “Send to Blizzard” is enabled whenever available in the crash report window that usually appears after the game crashes, and to wait a few seconds before closing said window.
This is really important to ensure reports are properly sent to our engineers and that emerging issues on our side are identified and dealt with as quickly as possible.

That said, please note that sending those reports does NOT guarantee a fix for your specific crash, as in most cases the root cause of the problem is tied to situations outside of our control (e.g. software conflict, hardware or compatibility issues, drivers, etc… etc…).

Thank you all for your patience in reading this, and for your collaboration in following the suggestions above! :blue_heart:

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