Not even 12 hours in and people already asking to B U Y gold

GDKP Andys already spamming chat asking to buy gold. The game died before it even started. Buying gold is against TOS. Nothing happens. Reckful played on another mans account = Perma banned. Tragic

I’m not sure if they aren’t joking? Within 20 mins of launch there were already ppl saying things like wts gold or hogger GDKP :grin:


If you really think you will raid in SOD without GDKP or investing your whole life in a guild you are wrong.

It’s just wow 2023

Still never done either and I did BC raids & planning to try the lvl 25 raid at least. Especially now there’ll be way more people willing to play normally since it’s a new season and fresh faces won’t be doing the same thing the already existing people are.

The raid cap will be level 25 at this moment and 10 man… It will be nigh impossible to not form your own raid group or reach the cap.

lol, ye maybe some of them are joking but its sad :frowning:

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Ok, so why are we necro’ing threads today?

Any special occasion?