Not getting any rating for wins

I have won 3 bgs today and got 0 rating from it. How is that possible and what is going on with rbg mmr system?

Does someone have same issues?

https ://

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It is completely broken and Blizzard does not give a damn fart about it. Only PvE gets day 1 fixes.

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Is your CR equal to your MMR? The image is cropped. If so then it works as intended. You have to win more games and climb in MMR first.

I am currently 1740CR with 2.2+k MMR and 69% winrate. I gain rating normally.

Broder in Christ, what is that cropped screenshot supposed to show??? For your concern you should be showing the MMRs and CRs in question


Because current MMR system is idiotic, to push you need lucky winstreak…

Most funy thing there is: For thoese 3 BG you spend 1 hour of your time, for 0 ratting while you are wining, now imagine what gonna heppen if you lost one of this game, system will punish you for -30 minimum.

With current MMR there is no mathematic hours are spend to gain ratting, 1 game is enough to lost all


Why does it even matter? Not in a single pvp game EVER i get 0 rating for win, even with mmr near the ground. The system is as broken as possible.

My CR around 1600-1700 w/r 50% with probably 30 bgs played.

It supposed to show 0 rating for victory, nuff said.



Your CR 1800
Your MMR 1400
Enemies MMR 1300

If you win that game you are not supposed to get any points (obviously). But your MMR increases, giving you “higher” MMR-games next time. It is for this reason that the MMR changes faster than the CR.

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This only shows that mmr system is broken, if my CR can be so different from mmr to give 0 points for win.

Especially when im not on lose streak and my w.r is 50%

Most players stuck on 1600-1800, but there is few players on 2400-2600 already.

Using your logic, how they even get there ? when there is almost no players on that rating, they should get 0 rating for every win because they are playing with low rated players, yet they get 2600.

And Im getting 0 rating for win and you dare to say that everything is fine haha.


Because thats how it works in wow. Your CR adjusts towards your MMR. If they are the same you wont get any more CR.

In wow you basically play to pump your MMR.

So works as intended, you reached your current ceiling and have to win some in order to pump the MMR. Your CR is stuck at this point. It was like that since forever.

You said? Never in my life i saw +0 for win, until now.

If your CR is above your MMR this is exactly what happens. Like in shuffle and in arena, too.

You won a game which is rated at your current skill LVL and below your current rating. So you something insignificant, no rating for that. It sucks but thats our rating system.

Want to try in arena? Push high, 2.4k CR for example and queue with a team with two people on 1500MMR. Win this game. You wont get any rating. Because the MMR of this match will be below your 2.4k CR.

It’s still very demoralizing that you win 0-7 rating, but when you lose it’s -15/20. I get the whole rating system, but it makes climbing in a team-based game very difficult. I had 1603, which fell to 1500 in a losing streak, and even on equal MMR fights, if I win, it’s +7, but losing is -15.

It is. But we have months of time. Just keep going. Its only the first week.

Ye this is why there is like 3-4 players with 2400-2600 already in rbgs while 99% players are 2k at best. Wait, oh shi…

I have to say, after 40 games, I got into games where the team MMR was higher than my own, losses gave me 0 rating, but wins were around 15-20. It was much more pleasant and I got to 1.8k.

Which probably isn’t much, but I have not really done any pvp since WOLTK

People should not be put into matches, where they cannot gain rating. This is an unfair risk/return ratio. Given the randomness of blitz, you could lose the game and your rating gets smashed. If this was the case, I agree with OP


me win +2 lost -10 this is how it is in wow