Not getting Emails from blizzard

I need some help.

I have wrote so many tickets trying to fix this problem for my account. But I dont seem to get any emails or help from blizzard. if you account is ban/suspended or if your account has been hack they will sent you a reason. But i havent got any emails I have checked all my folders junk,spam and have no emails I try to talk and message blizzard and explain and get help but all I getting is an auto-reply message. (We are unable to further discuss the details of your recent penalty beyond what was provided in the email sent to you. We now consider this matter closed, and pursuing it any further could result in an action taken against your account or even lead to permeant closure.) and then marked the resolved.

what can I do?

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post on other forums iv been banned too and it looks like few more players making forums about been banned i dont know my email says it was cheating and hacks but i dont know when i was cheating or what i hacked

Hey Litteones,

Not receiving any of our emails, and appealing an account suspension are two different things.

For the emails, and while we’re unable to resend them, please do follow this page, which should help you receive our emails. If you still don’t, you can try changing your account’s email address with one from another provider, which can sometimes help with this issue:

For the appeal, and the forum isn’t the appropriate place to post (which is why you previous post was closed). I’ll leave this one opened as long as it stays on the first topic.

Hope this helps!

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why is it not appropriate place to post here on forum if blizz not respond in game or send any emails are where alse can we get help my account got banned and i dont know how long the ban is for or what i even did wrong other then playing game for crazy amount of time and paying my sub its been over 24 hours and still nothing from them tell me where can we get help if not here?

Because we’re unable to provide private account information on a public forum.

You can get an account suspension reviewed via a ticket. If you have recently submitted one, a game master will get back to you as soon as possible.

Hey Yryaforne

Thank you for messaging me back. I am not trying to use the forums as a way to appeal the account suspension.

I am trying to speak with a GM via the ticket system. But they are replying to all the information that has been sent via Email. But I am trying to explain to them, I haven’t got any email from blizzard. For the GM to say We are unable to further discuss the details of your recent penalty beyond what was provided in the email sent to you. the ticket is marked as resolved., tried again and the same thing happened again.

this is an old ticket. I try to ask them why and how can I fix the email problem and they sent me this message

This is Ehnauxtoil Blizzard Entertainment Game Master.

We are unable to further discuss the details of your recent penalty beyond what was provided in the email sent to you.

We now consider this matter closed, and pursuing it any further could result in an action taken against your account or even lead to permeant closure.

Blizzard Game Master

Can you see the problem I am having?

I was thinking about changing my email to (as you have said) now, but I have an open ticket right now. Would that cause problems ?

Also, I will look at that link you sent me and see if that helps.

Thanks Yryaforne

Sorry to hear that. I don’t know where to go either. I can’t find the reason or why I was banned as I haven’t got any email to check.

good luck

Are you getting any of the Store / Sale / marketing emails?

Hey Hatalii
yes just the Store / Sale / marketing emails.

I took Yryadorne advice and change the Email account. and I wrote a new ticket and I got an email from blizzard telling me that my support ticket was up. which never happen with my old account and I forgot they did that. So I think that might of been the problem.

I was using outlook and to swap to Gmail in case you wanted to know. thanks

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Ahhhh, Outlook. That explains so much.

I had to persuade my friend to change from Outlook to Gmail, after Outlook started silently eating mails it thought were “suspicious”, including ones from Blizzard.

By “silently eating”, I mean, it didn’t even send them to spam, it just… hard deleted them without them ever being read.


Excellent - glad you got a resolution to the emails not arriving.

Yes I think you are right about outlook. I even try to speak with there support team and get some help. try to tell them about the emails but went no where, they just said sorry sent me some random link and closed the chat and ask for a review. was a bit shocked

fingers crossed. and I just need to wait to hear from blizzard now. :smiley:

The irony is…

Outlook is a Microsoft Product.
Blizzard is also a Microsoft Product (Microsoft bought Blizzard from Activision earlier this year).

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Yet my old outlook email that got leaked from a friend who was hacked gets emails that’s obvious scams all day. :joy: But yeah it’s terrible.

I did have junk emails but nothing from blizzard in there so that’s why it was so strange. or to me at least hahaha.