Not getting invited into M+

I keep getting declined for every key I want to join. On my Augmentation it is really no issue at all. I am trying to get into the 7-10 keys on my DH and its really difficult.

I guess it is because we bring medicore damage with 0 utility at all. I can’t blame the people declining me. We have no CR/BL/dispells nor offhealing.

I wonder what the devs are thinking… Why let any class with more utillity do more damage than us? Enh for example does more damage, has BL and healing… Ret has dispells, freedom, bop and CR. And the list goes on…

Please Blizzard, for not having any utility we should be the n1 dmg dealers… that would make most sense. It really is no fun getting declined for keys you try to enter for being a DH…

I’m also finding it very difficult to get into any M+ with my DH, however, there is a bit of a utility that the DH has. Such as dispel (enemy), a couple of stuns, and the dashes are good too to place debufs in good places, so I don’t think the utility is the problem but the DMG. If you get a big pull that lasts a bit more than a few sec you can get some DMG but that’s everything it has.

I think the meta is the biggest problem for DH and other classes. Your average player will look on the interwebs at the top 5% of players and think that the only comp that works is enha/dk/rogue/voker, while disregarding every other class. It’s a shame because Blizz knows about this, but somehow, they keep buffing the wrong classes while the DH is left in shambles.

I would really like to hear from the devs why are they allowing this to happen, and what’s their way to fix this.

It was tough for me at the start, but now I get invited into 10s fairly easily.

I’m 630 ilvl and 2600 rating, though, so I’m pretty geared.

I recommend doing every M+ level before going to the next, so that you have a high rating by the time you get to 10s.

I have 2427 rating on my DH atm. I can’t get into 7-10 keys. 8 is already impossible let alone a 10. It is definitely because im a DH. People want better classes for their team. BL/CR/dispels… all that has way more value than a DH who doesnt do more dmg than other classes.

Blizzard should make us top dps for not having any good utility

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