Not getting progress on Vicious Saddle

After obtaining Vicious War Spider during Season 1 of Shadowlands I’m not getting progress at Vicious Saddle which is next reward after Spider. I’m stuck at 0% even if I’m winning at 1.4k cr+ at Rbgs. Not sure if only visual bug or I’m not getting progress at all.


you want my saddle? i got like 30 in bank


Ticket time I think.

I finished last week with 40% and this week I won around 40 games (with rating above 1.4k) in total on 3 characters but the bar did not move from 40%. Yesterday night all of a sudden bar went from 40% to 0% and today I won a game and bar moved to 2%. So clearly system didn’t count 40% of the bar and more than 40 games I won this week.
You can clearly see when you add up my wins. In total for all characters I have around 105 wins and for the bar to be filled you need 40 above 1.4k, meaning I had enough wins for the Vicious War Spider (which I got) and Vicious Saddle (which I haven’t received).

I’ve Reported a Bug and also submitted the ticket which immediately got response that they have too many tickets opened… I didn’t want to close the ticket so I reopened it and after 4 days got response:

“I have read over your ticket and understand you ran into issues with the PvP progress bar. Currently there are no known issues with this system so there is no special workaround available to Customer Support to provide Vicious Saddles. The first clear of the PvP bar does not grant a saddle but will automatically push the season mount to the collection.”

Meaning they didn’t even bother to read the issue I presented, just looked “PVP Progress bar” and that’s it. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE IN THE WORLD!!!
And the thing about “No known issues” when I encountered at least 20 people on wow forums and reddit having the same problem.

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Make ticket. U should get % on that.

I also really want a saddle, im 57% done with the spider, but i really want the fox.

I read on wowhead and reddit people claiming they got vicious saddles as random drops at the end of arenas? Is this true?

i got last seasons mount as a random drop in 2s

Yes i got this aswell! Im hard stuck at 16%

Stuck in 20%…

Seems to be a UI issue.

Post here- Season reward stuck? - #3 by Reinhijks-2615

UPDATE : After “fix” with Saddle progress I’m getting progress on it finally but lost progress that was not shown during bug that occured. Lost around 60-70% overall.
UPDATE 2: (day after first): Progress bar reseted to 0% again. Made a ticket and bug post. Blizzard help is copy pasting me a definition of conquest and seasonal reward bars.


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