Not getting valor points for heroics

valor cap is weekly content not daily,you can do em all in 1 day anytime of the you didnt lose anything if they fix it eventually before wednesday

Any updates for us early birds

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I got only 1200 this week so i`m missing 2 heroic dungeons, should i expect the fix before the end of the week

Have a feeling I am now gonna lose a week worth of valor and be behind… Good job as always blizzard…

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I also lost 4 HC dungeons worh of valor points… come on blizzard. we need a fix soon

We need a fix!!

Aaaah I was so worried I was now going to be behind on my valor points!! So happy you’re finding an additional fix.

I was thinking: Maybe a quest to let us do the 7/8 or however many heroics it is… that then rewards valor points? :smiley: #BigSuggestion

Same problem here - finished the 7 weekly hcs but I have 0 Valor Points and I don’t see the currency on my char screen (with all addons turned off)

Same problem here - finished the 7 weekly hcs but I have 0 Valor Points and I don’t see the currency on my char screen (with all addons turned off)

I was able to gain valor points in the first heroics i did but now it only gives justice. (and i’m not capped obviously)

same for me, i did the 7 hcs this morning, and now everyone has valor except me waiting for you to fix it, really expect u could solve it

Same problem here - finished the 7 weekly hcs but I have 0 Valor Points and I don’t see the currency on my char screen (with all addons turned off)

Can we at least get some updates here when this will be fixed??

Looks like they’ve fixed it, I only got valor for 4 heroics, did 3 before the first fix. looks like they just reset everyone back to 0, as I was queueing and it said I could earn valor for my next 7 heroics. Guess they’ve done it that way because the weekly cap will even it out for everyone anyway

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I can now get it 7 times again. Thats still bugged because everyone else can also farm 7 times again and already buy stuff for it… wtf

They just added 7 days for everyone. Which is insane bad. It does not fix the problem. People will now get valor points for 14 dungeons and i still lost the valor points of my first 4 dungeons… this needs to be fixed as soon as possible because people will buy stuff now…

I got valor twice yesterday and it now says I can do it 7 times again. One of my friends is seeing that the UI tells him he can do the weekly 14 times. What is going on?

Its insane that we still get zero information for a fix.

They wont have any more than you do, 7 heroics makes you hit the weekly valor cap already.

They will have more because they can buy a ring for example before hitting the cap and then do more dungeons to cap again. The valor vendor is in the game. You can buy different items for ~1200 valorpoints

No you cannot, the cap is for weekly earned