Not getting valor points for heroics

I’ve done four heroic cataclysm dungeons since the reset happened and so far I am not getting any valor points. Other players in my group are getting valor points for their heroic dungeons.

Any ETA on a fix for this?


#METOO Same problem here, no valor points for me i guess :frowning:

Same here I thought maybe I was tripping.

Other players are getting valor on EU servers? are you sure? I thought it’s impacting all of EU right now, no?

i play on pyrewood village EU same for us here.

We found and fixed this issue. The fix was applied at 17:20 CEST. Heroics are now rewarding Valor.

You may need to reload your user interface or log out and back in to see the changed reward.

We’re looking into an additional fix for players who already ran Heroics earlier in the day.


Cheers man, only thing I was wondering about! :two_hearts:

Would be awesome if you could answer one question: is the Justice Points → Honor Conversion Vendor coming? all of my Friends are curious aswell

Thanks for adressing this issue, found out that i only can receive Valor Points one more time instead of the 7


relogged and everything, still not getting any…

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Nope, it doesn’t show and still not getting valor…


If you have already done 7 heroic dungeons with the dungeon finder then the reward is currently no longer displayed, please help!

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Im not shown Valor Points in my UI either, even after “Fix”

And have done my 7 Heroics today…

Same problem here - finished the 7 weekly hcs but I have 0 Valor Points and I don’t see the currency on my char screen (with all addons turned off)

Valor points are showing for me. I already did 5/7 HC’s earlier today so now I only have 480 Valor points. Hopefully You can make a fix so us who did do it earlier won’t get cheated out of max Valor. Thanks!

This is still not showing for me. reloaded + relogged. I probably have done my 7 heroics today. This would be very unfair to not receive Valor today. Would it be possible to confirm when you have fixed/compensated?

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I am having the same issue, I capped HCs earlier today, this morning. Hit the 7/7 daily HCs, now my friends are grinding valor whilst I am still only getting JP. Opened a ticket. Hope for this to be fixed soon

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Still experiencing this issue, I had done heroics earlier today so I was only able to get valor from 2 heroics instead of 7

Very disappointing that something like this can happen, almost feels like from prepatch up until now we are just playing an open beta. Also capped ‘valor’ before it was hotfixed in, not getting anything :slight_smile: very fun, fantastic quality service


Still not fixed and not much time left to get it today if it gets fixed, can you retroactively award it to people who did X number of heroics today?