Yes another Horde complaining, but this is too much. During the Invasion I cant do anything. Alliance everywhere and the horde outnumbered by maybe 60-70% and camping at the quests. yes warmode is fun but if you are at the point you can’t play the game anymore is a bit too much. Blizzard said the 30% buff is for the outnumbered faction that is the Horde for weeks now and never got the buff is Blizzard at the point that they have to lie?
keep this up and Warmode is dead again not for the Alliance but now for the Horde. nice solution they just transferred the problem to the other faction.
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Let me show you how our general chat looks like every day:
https: //imgur. com/a/iDrwJlA
This is what we do every day after coffee:
https: //imgur. com/a/58rcbCT
We are really enjoying this warmode. Insanely fun. 50% bonus would be even better.
I know you do ^^ I would not be surprised if you would get 50%^^
For sure, alliance are like angry bees during assaults hehe.
If blizz’s aim with the extra bonus is to get wm faction balance, and if it still isn’t happening, maybe they will add even more incentive.
Or, if blizz are happy to just have a busy wm like now, maybe the pros and cons of each faction are acceptable. Horde have an lfg advantage, Alliance have a reward advantage. I’d rather have the lfg advantage.
If a percent of horde turn off wm though, it will only help wm, improving the faction ratio. First to go will be the pve’ers. They are not really interested in wm for pvp anyway, and can prob quest faster out of wm.
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It’s hilarious that they need such a buff to finally be motivated to turn war mode on. What a bunch of pathetic cowards.
but then it fails, the whole point of the incentive was to get alliance to turn WM on, If they only do it for the incentive while at the same time causing the horde to turn off warmode then it fails. Especaly if it gets to the point so many horde turn off warmode that they loose the incentive and turn it off.
Yup, not a perfect solution, but an interesting one. Generating conflict is essential, and it’s happening. Hordies can quit wm… but the horde wpvpers are gonna fight. Lfg, communties, etc… the tools are there. These angry bee alliance multi parties are disorganized, a raid can easy wipe em.
Those doing it for reward, I would not miss them on either faction. They add little to the wpvp experience.
Ideally wm would be a pvp only experience. But I get that blizz want to make a rich environment with various aspects to it
WM is for pvp first though, pve second. Different players have different idea of fun. Not easy to mix different aspects like that. Pure pve works pretty good. A pure pvp wm might work pretty good. For me, PvP+PvE wm works pretty good. But, you have the diff player types mixed, gonna be some unhappy. I love wm though, didn’t care when alli were outnumbered pre 8.1, I suspect the players that wm mostly for pvp feel the same. And this is a pvp forum, wm is pvp first.
Conflict has increased. This is good for pvp in wm. WPvP has never been better in my experience.
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It’s just a joke now for those that play on what were RP realms. For Blizzard to say that Horde with WM on outnumber Alliance is quite clearly what comes out of a Tauren’s rear end. I’ve just had a convo Alliance side with players looking to get their shiny 400ilvl free gift (that Horde don’t get) complaining they can’t find any Horde. That’s because it’s hard to get over that side when the Banshee’s Wail is being corpse camped all the time so players with WM on can’t ship over. The 30% bonus, inability to just pick up quests in our base and stay alive and this latest gift of a 400 item only to Alliance has really just stuck 2 fingers up at every Horde player. There won’t be Horde to kill as most of the trade chat convo I’ve seen today has centred around how enough is enough, time to find a different game to play. I know the balance is different for Horde heavy realms but for many realms it’s entirely the opposite and not just since the bonus but from day one of BfA. If Blizz don’t realise that then across the board decisions are being made by those who simply haven’t a clue what they are doing.
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Realms are only relevant to wm if on normal or rp realm. If on a rp realm you are sharded with other rp realms. And if on a normal realm, sharded with the normal realms.
The shards themselves try to balance factions. It’s lfg cross realm groups that unbalance them. Horde have more with wm turned on eu, therefore an advantage to forming lfg groups.
Yes, alli get better wm rewards, to incentivize them. But I’d rather have horde’s lfg advantage.
If enough horde turn off, you might just get extra yourself.
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Saying there are more Horde in EU with WM is pretty much the problem. It’s an irrelevant stat to base a decision on. With RP realms there has always been far more Alliance than Horde, and clearly on the realm my char is on, far more Alliance with WM on (and playing the game, not just parked) than there are Horde. Just logged back in to see if I could at least make it from the Banshee’s Wail to a flightpoint but nope, dead in seconds. Been like that for over an hour now. I struggle to see where the lfg advantage comes in as the Alliance side has no obvious problems finding groups. Maybe where you play they do, but if so then that makes my point on how they need to look at realm by realm, rather than applying changes across them all.
The system just dosnt work, You keep hearing that the alliance are outnumbered but then you pop on and see 100 alliance ganking 1 horde player as they fly in. The numbers should be shard wide and change the instant one side outumbers the other not on a weekly basis.
you want to encourage world pvp good, fix the classes that have too much advantage in that and give people insentives to do it while not discuriging the other faction from playing or incuraging damaging play.
I hear the alliance say “oh now you know how it feels” well, A you just proved your worse than those people and B I must have missed all those gank raids forming and preventing alliance from handing in warfront resorces or getting coins.
So today I spend a few hours on Assault in Vol’dun, in Stormsong and in Drustvar.
Yeah, for the first time, all that time horde was stomped and couldn’t do anything about it. Previously they retaliated heavily eventually. Today - they got a party once, win something, and lost more.
So, I guess next week is probably going to be horde turn to get % bonus and quest. But only if today is any indication of whole 24/7 week faction population in WM. We’ll see what’ll happen on a weekend, and if there is a chance of bonus switching.
And if that happens, one thing for sure - all those horde complainers on forums are going to be gone. You’ll get your % and quest, and nobody will complain. Until the week after that, obviously, because the most of the Horde going to get WM on for shiny item and bonus, and Alliance is very quick to turn it off… haha
Wait, the % is not allocated dynamically? It’s on a weekly basis?
And then you’re going to love it, when you have your quest for 400 ilvl item, and the whole week to do it at any time that’s convenient for you, can’t miss it even if something came up irl.
well, if the Horde wont get the buff next week I know for sure its bugged or the system doesn’t work as intended.
If the Horde will get the buff it is likely the Alliance will turn off Warmode to get the buff back next week it just doesn’t work.
The best thing is just to remove the buff or when their is an invasion in zandalar the Alliance will get 30% buff and when their is an invasion in kul’tiras the Horde will get the 30% buff. This will motivate both factions to keep warmode on.
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Seems like you’ve read only what you wanted to see in my post, and missed everything else. It’s a probability, not a certainty. Today is Thursday. Friday and weekend can change things drastically.
You think it will work only if you get the item? OK, haha
The best thing is to make good PvP-gearing structure, with PvP gear vendors, without RNG-boxes, sell all items not just Azerite, and Conquest as a currency with numerous WPvP activities rewarding this currency.
No matter how you tweak current bonus system - it’ll never work better than it is now. Yes, it’s not perfect, but it works, no matter if you like it or not.
I dont care about the rest of your post. Horde numbers are dropping and Warmode is going to die once again. it might work good for you as Alliance, but not for the Horde.
And now I don’t care what you think at all. Have fun crying!
Just give the stupid quest to hordes so the whining will stop.
The end.