Nothing unique anymore

It’s super silly when you have a Hunter, Mage or a Rogue having more healing done than damage done in a match :smiley: Damage dealers should be dealing damage with the exception of the hybrid classes and specs who pay a price for this. An Enhancement or a Retribution should choce to spend their resource on either doing damage or doing healing.

Nobody needs a healer anymore. It’s not that nobody “wants” one, but nobody really “needs” one to begin with.

Not even mentioning the self healing of the Tank specs. A tank is a tank. Damage soaking, damage mitigation, aggro management, positioning, leading, cooldowns management. The idea is not to be topping both the damage and the healing meters at the same time, while having instant auto-aggro and everything else automatically taken care of, while you’re living the top DPS-Healing dream.

Everybody, every class and every spec can do everything. There’s nothing unique. Playing multiple classes gives the exact same experience. It doesn’t matter at all what you chose to play, you will still have some CC, some interrupt or both, a way of doing decent damage, a few defensive CDs, a few offensive CDs, a couple of main abilities and a couple of filler ones, you’re generally likely to have a generator and a spender type of ability… And that’s it.

Even every WoW video content is filled with the exact same slang - “I’m walling!”, “I got BIGDAM”, “I got SMALLDAM”, “I’m kicking”… Nobody’s unique, nothing is unique and we’re all playing the same class, just with different animations.

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I’m uniquely annoying


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


I bet that a MW liked your reply.

Anyway, you should try Disc for a change. That way you will no longer be doing 150k damage and 100k healing per match, but you’ll be doing 100k damage and 150k healing intead. It’s super unique and very fun.

Arcane Mage is the new MW.

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You tell me, just ended a match with a 34k damage and 35k healing for the Rogue.

That awkward moment when you realize I’m a main healer.

I’ll tell you what. You go do your arena as triple DPS, and see how high you get in comparison if you had a healer on your team.

Or, how about you go do an RBG, where you have 0 healers on your team, but the other team has 3 healers on their team.

You seem really silly tbh. And I bet you literally ran to the forums because you saw X class doing Y amount of healing done in a BG. With 0 regard in how they managed to heal that amount.


doesnt happen lol

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Megastuck at 1.1k rating. I get it. You’re looking for other people to blame but yourself. But you’ll never improve if you indulge in that kind’ve logic

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Yeah I miss wrath class design. Especially strength classes, like warrior, dk and pala.

4th alt, just got my first vault item. You ain’t getting it. You ain’t got it. You’re just trash talking. You’re toxic.

Me on the other hand, I work with data. And the data says that a Mage is as good a healer as a a Holy Paladin, before the nerfs. And the data says that a pure DPS class generally ends up doing more healing than damage in a match. And then there’s the Rogue. And the whole point of this thread has absolutely nothing to do with your replies.

I’m not telling other players how bad they are, because anyone below 2.4k has absolutely worthless opinion when it comes to the skills talk. Your opinion on the skills mater is worthless. I’m talking about the data. The data says that EVEN pure DPS classes can EASILY do more healing than damage. Short-term, mid-term and long-term. Regardless of how long a match goes. This is what my post says. Nothing to do with what you’re writing about.

okay lol


You’re literally hardstuck at 1.1k. If Healers are so useless, why are they in almost everysingle PvP comp and RBGs.

You talking about working with statistics nearly made me spray my coffee on my monitor. You’re a literal jokester

Stop making up excuses and random BS about healers being useless, when they’re the literal backbone to ANY PvP content.

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It’s only because of your double digit IQ and the fact you’re a bit slow. So, let me write the exact same thing I wrote so far, but in a simplified way, so that an epic 1.8 hardstuckpro would understand. Your ability to read and understand simple text that has just a single sub-layer of closely related example emphasizing on the main point is nonexistent. In fact, I now feel bad for making fun you, it’s never right to make fun of people who can’t even follow a simple logical relation.

  • I never said that rogues can heal others. You did.
  • When you read “nobody needs healers anymore” in the context of the post this literally only means “a pure DPS class like a Mage can do more self healing than his own damage” and “a pure DPS class like a Mage can do about the same total amount of healing a Healing class/spec can do, within any Arena match”
  • This doesn’t mean that “healers have no place in the game and should re-think their life choices”. Nor it means that they’re not the backbone of any content of the game. This is what you said. Not what I wrote.

Skimming through a forum post is never a good idea. Twisting the words, point and idea of someone else is not okay, especially when it’s you who can’t connect the dots. See, this is what I say and what I said. Nothing to do with what you thought it meant.

Would you like me to simplify for you the second portion of the original post too?

You’re absolutely right OP. When I made this character way back in TBC I was the only “Beerwolf” (which is an alias I’ve been using since the early 90s), and now there’s 35 copycats with the name… and even a band! Nothing is sacred anymore… :frowning:

Except a couple of the healing specs that Blizzard forgot about after making them.

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who cares.

there a bit more important problems than that.
and anyway, only healers can do actual real healing, any other healing is just enough to survive a certain situation.

unlike what asmongold says, hunters cant replace healers.

Yes, because you want people to know what you’re talking about instantly instead of yelling “USING RECKLESSNESS!!!”
Would you rather your arena partner be like “Using Shield of the Righteous” or like “using defensive/walling.”

Would you like me to write up a swift guide for you to so you’re not stuck at 1.1k, and blaming it on the fact that you saw some numbers on a scoreboard and said that DPS are more efficient at healing than healers?

If you want to run by statistics, I can go and throw out a link for ya to show you the healer participation in 2’s and 3’s?


Here you go sweetie. Healers are useless. Meanwhile the most represented specs are 2 healer specs.

Spirit gear ? :rofl: :joy: