It’s super silly when you have a Hunter, Mage or a Rogue having more healing done than damage done in a match Damage dealers should be dealing damage with the exception of the hybrid classes and specs who pay a price for this. An Enhancement or a Retribution should choce to spend their resource on either doing damage or doing healing.
Nobody needs a healer anymore. It’s not that nobody “wants” one, but nobody really “needs” one to begin with.
Not even mentioning the self healing of the Tank specs. A tank is a tank. Damage soaking, damage mitigation, aggro management, positioning, leading, cooldowns management. The idea is not to be topping both the damage and the healing meters at the same time, while having instant auto-aggro and everything else automatically taken care of, while you’re living the top DPS-Healing dream.
Everybody, every class and every spec can do everything. There’s nothing unique. Playing multiple classes gives the exact same experience. It doesn’t matter at all what you chose to play, you will still have some CC, some interrupt or both, a way of doing decent damage, a few defensive CDs, a few offensive CDs, a couple of main abilities and a couple of filler ones, you’re generally likely to have a generator and a spender type of ability… And that’s it.
Even every WoW video content is filled with the exact same slang - “I’m walling!”, “I got BIGDAM”, “I got SMALLDAM”, “I’m kicking”… Nobody’s unique, nothing is unique and we’re all playing the same class, just with different animations.