Nothing unique, but I might surprice

Hi. I really don’t know what to say about my self, since I don’t want to sound brag’ish.

I feel looking for group is very frustrating. The expectations are way out of line. Everything is 2k here, Gladitor there and even those in between expect you to play like a rank one player. That or they leave at first loss.

I guess what I’m saying is. I’m not looking for any particulair experience in people.

I’m looking for stable team mates, that are willing to play, grow and learn as a team. Stick together through the losses and celebrate the wins. As corny as it sounds, that is what I enjoy the most about warcraft.

I have no particulair desire to be gladiator. Sure, it would be an amazing achievement. But, then I would had aimed for it years ago.

About my self. I’m 35 years old, I’ve played the game for many years. I’ve done both pve and pvp on various difficuties.
I’ve been part of the pvp scene since season 9 in Cataclysm.

Personal preference of comps.

I’ve played many comps over the years and I guess, growing older. Hehe, means I like more “zugzug” comps.

I’m particulairly fancying any sorth of TSG or Turbo.
For 2s. I don’t really have any preference, besides it being a healer.

I don’t feel warrior playes well in 2s with other dps. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will also mention, I am currently trying to gear this up, which, if I have to be honest. Seems near impossible. But hey, can’t give up, right?

Well. Feel free to ask any questions, I’ll keep an eye out.

Please go easy, this is my attempt to reach out, don’t cut off my arm.

Hey. Add nuffsaid#2627 on Made a similar post to you yesterday :slight_smile: