Now Available! Pack it in with the Grizzly Hills Packmaster Mount

you re litteraly like this mount.

If I put a lantern light on your back and a tissu wallet on the side, you re my 20€ pandaren packmaster :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


yes only elves lives matter.

Of course they add this right after I finally caved in and bought the yak mount with the repair vendor…



Oof… bad luck on that one.

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Try it. You’ll lose your fragile little elf hand.
You move like a pregnant yak!

(look at me RPing along with ya)

PALADIN LOOK AWAY !!! Don’t let his cuteness trick you
Those teeth can grind and crush your BONES

  • and as always… FOLLOW THE LIGHT ! But… Watch Yer back

Also with a bear cub running alongside for a 2 seater.

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Just jump him off a cliff… Weeeeeeeeeeee

So its just yak, but more expensive.
No thanks

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and dwarves and earthens and gilnean

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The Yak has 2 kitten statues on the sides <3 Its more cute.

Atleast add some water and food to the vendor OMG

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As a Guardian Druid i am deeply disturbed by theese news, i feel threatened, minimalized and made to look like a fool. We are not mounts! we are strong independant Furwalls!

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Strong, independant, mountable Furwalls :3

Balance your bloody game first before trying sell more crap to us you lazy fu/ckers

Found out the bear doesn’t sell food and drinks… for 20€ you’d think they’d add that perk, considering the Yak sells MoP quality food, so the bear should sell TWW quality food, but no.

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Vendor food is actually being used by players? Honestly wouldn’t’ve expected that. In what scenario does one make use of vendor food? Fast leveling/questing or something? (not questioning it, just plain technical question)

If you play healer role in PvP you need it because there isn’t always a mage on your team. I drink every single Battleground.


That makes sense :slight_smile:

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