Now Available: Wandering Ancient Mount

Subjective and you have no need to be rude to people it doesnt lead you anywhere ingame or irl just be calm and remember it is just a game .

I think some were upset their choice wasn’t the winner. I did vote for the tree but would probably have like any of them.

I don’t have to dismount on the long boi so I very much doubt the tree is going to be an issue, at least for this expansion. Doorways are huge in SL.


I reckon there is still time for a Jelly cat mount…the pet already exists, so it’s possible the mount might show up later in the Xpac.

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I would love for them to add the others somewhere.


I think i best log from forums for the night my mind is in playful mood :stuck_out_tongue:

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No u…

It’s a big tree, it changes colour with the seasons and I’m getting it, free… oh, and apparently it has a built-in salt collector.


I just do not get it ? is it some internet tough guy act were you think people will laugh and cheer at you thinking “wow he is cool” or are you just mad at the world ? because either way there is no need for rudeness there is enough rubbish in the world without coming to a forum and having tough guys wrecking the place .

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I do not know what it is you think you’re talking about but you seem confused and honestly slightly unhinged. There has been no rudeness, merely a less then slightly heated exchange between me and Punyelf. Why you have felt the need to insert yourself is beyond me and these “internet tough guy” accusations are unfounded.

You’ve added nothing to the discussion and if you’re no going to, don’t talk to me.

I do not have to say anything more you think you are all that but you are not ,you have a a lot to learn how to speak to others and your views btw are not fact they are subjective nothing more .

Neither have you with your attitude and comments like

I say good night as i think you are mad for wrong reasons.

If anyone is in this topic it is you with anger issues. And on that note ive flagged you and placed you on ignore so i do have to put up with toxic angry young men.

Yeah still not seeing the whole internet tough guy thing, pretentious git that likes to argue over things that ultimately don’t matter I’d grant you but I’ve not made any threats at all…

If this is what we consider toxic these days it’s no wonder the community is in the dire straits that is it.

No u…

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It’s a little too green for my liking (I know that sounds like a daft criticism, but it’s almost an unnaturally bright colour compared to others), and the caterpillar is very cartoonish compared to the rest of the model. It just doesn’t get together well. That said, the Autumn & Winter seasonal variants look gorgeous! I didn’t see anything that showed a distinct difference between Spring & Summer though? I just wish it’d ended up looking a little more like an updated model of the ancients we already see in the game affiliated with the night elves, rather than a new, totally different model. Or at least a new model that better captured their essence. Ah well, at least it’s free.

This tweet shows off the four colours to match the seasons, I think it works well but everyone is entitled to their own opinions ofc.

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After watching how much effort and passion goes into making just one mount I feel cruel for not liking it. I absolutely respect it as art and everything that goes into it, I just don’t want to hang it on my wall.


I wonder if that means calender season or zone season, as it’s shown changing from zone to zone. I dislike both options. I want it to be purple all the time :neutral_face:


I’m not really sold on the overall looks of the mount, to be honest. I know it’s a work in progress, but it just doesn’t feel imposing enough for my taste. But it’s an adventuring ancient, so I suppose that’s kinda the point.

I don’t think I’ll ever use it, but I’m happy for those who are excited to have it in their collection and explore Azeroth on its back. :slight_smile:

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I imagine it will be as per the calendar.

Overall it’s designed so well…it changes color according to season but THAT FACE JUST TURN ME OFF. Why do you have to make that kind of face on tree?

Also it can be done as two person mount!! It’s cool to ride both side of tree beard.