Now Available: Wandering Ancient Mount

Garbage mount

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But you did say we all voted for it which isnā€™t true, soā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:


I said

I still canā€™t believe you idiots voted for a tree

and you didnā€™t vote, so youā€™re not included but I mean if you want to be added to a list of idiots by all means I guess.

Oh noo its the derp tree face :/ā€¦ i hoped it would have the ancient of war faceā€¦

yeah right, Donald Trump :rofl:
if sooooo many people voted more then once. why didnā€™t those others voted more then once? oh wait what if 10 people voted 4 times the wandering ancient got 40 votes. what if the crybabies also did that and then had like 4 people voting, would that make 120456 votes? no itā€™s 16 still lower then 40 so suck it up you lost. wandering ancient won a fair voting contest if not go ask Donald Trump how to deal with this

ā€œAuto-buds, branch out!ā€

sounds of twigs snapping and leaves rustling

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maybe iā€™m mistaken but the only idiot i see here is you :rofl:

They just confirmed it now.

To get the ancient you needā€¦

To have Shadowlands.

Thats it.

Please donā€™t embarrass yourself any furtherā€¦

Canā€™t wait to ride around on this \o/


Why would you ever use it? it doesnā€™t fly and itā€™s too big to fit into doorways making it a terrible option, itā€™s also ugly.

That is your opinion, quite obvious that its not one I share :grinning:

Be a boring world if we all liked the same things.


You didnā€™t address anything I saidā€¦

Dear me

No it is not ugly
Yes I will ride it you canā€™t fly everywhere
Yes itā€™s a big mount but hardly the only big mount I use including my long boi


the long boi is functionalā€¦ this does nothing, itā€™s a giant mount with no upside only inconveniences.

Again your opinion on a mount you clearly dislike. People are different.

I am looking forward to riding around on my fabulous mount.


itā€™s not opinion, itā€™s objective. the mount is too big to fit through most doorways in the game meaning youā€™ll have to manually dismount to enter most things. which is slower and inconvenient.

Bit over the top about a mount you dislike.

I love it and your opinion will not sway me, sorry.

Love the look and the size. Canā€™t wait to ride it.


Was going to make a comment about wood and well you know my sense of humour :stuck_out_tongue:


Lmao dont get yourself into trouble!!!