Now Blizzard removed flirst and jokes from game

It’s all because of the snowflakes who play this game and get offended by it.

Nope, developers are responsible and guilty for these changes. Even if there are a few snowflakes amongst playerbase developers thought of this as an opportunity to implement their political ideologies into the game. Gay and queer (I dont know what that means, it seems it is an umbrella term) devs replacing woman npcs with male gays, that’s it simply, it has nothing to do with a few snowflakes on internet.


Well this game become joke in itself, so it no longer needs emotes indside it :smiley:

But ya, Blizz just following band vagon, if current trend was to promote racism/sexism/etc., we would see completely different changes to satisfy the vocal minorities. At this time cancel culture is FOTM, so blizz just following the trend. And losing players in the same time.


I was sad when I saw that one on Reddit being named as getting removed.

These are just fun references and often popular culture references. They shouldn’t need to go.


We should extrapolate and just think how the world would look like if some offended minorities, that no one are offending, would have the power to change things.

What comes in my mind is the animated movie “ZOOTROPOLIS”, really a great life lesson there.

This is actually enough to warrant me quitting the game. I play goblin girls pretty much exclusively because of their sassy nature. Their flirts are sexual in nature and that’s part of their charm. With that gone might as well not play.


They’ve made a blue post confirming this is all developer feedback

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It is only getting worst for wow players from here.

I don’t play retail at all for various reasons, but if these removals are true then we really and truly do live in a very sad and pathetic world nowadays. I want out.

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Oh well, panda were a dead race to began with…
But I will surely miss it…🥲

I am wondering what blizzard would censor next?:thinking:

Maybe replace them with a fruit :peach:

This is reference to The Pussycat Dolls - Don’t Cha
“Don’t Cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me.”
How trash human some one is are that he/she is offended by group of young girls singing about they body.

I know :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Blizzard is full of them, references from other games, films, series, songs, expressions, well known phrases etc.

Pandarens jokes, flirts are references to old kung-fu movies.

Most goodlooking women are dancing the hell out of that song. Guess what “majority” is not dancing on it ? :slight_smile:

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Majority of women are good looking. Really. Womens are really beautifull but also very modest.

I am a she-troll goblin hemoncolus entity, and the joke about girlfriends being hotter than a Blood Elf Male makes my chest hurt, and it’s not the diabetus talking.

… Let’s be honest, the only people who’d be bothered by such a joke would be either emotionally unstable individuals, or literal ogres.


You go girl!

There’s nothing more reliefing then to read objective conclusions from women, because of SOME women.


Yes that what popular culture references are :wink:

I think maybe you are replying to me by mistake at this point instead of just replying to the topic.

Oh believe me, there’s no doubt someone out there who’ll call me a “Internal misogynist” because I am calling weird people out for being weird.

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