Now that Warforged Nightmare is free will those of us that paid real money for it get a refund?

every time a store item is given out for free, someone makes a thread like this :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

one day WoW becomes free to play, and a thread like this will be made.

“Now that WoW has become F2P do I get a refund for the 30 years that I was subbed for?”


No, you merely purchased a license to use it before the free userbase.

You got to bypass the wait period.

You’re right, I’m well annoyed. I am no longer buying any mount.

Multi-billions and they won’t get a 3D artist to make a new mount, which will be quick for the veteran designers. Un, FOOOKING real.

This is to appease the money-less FOMO babies.

And no WoW employee shills, shutup!!!

Hope you’re raging as much when buying a new Film and half a year or so later it’s free for Prime Video customers :kissing_heart:

Edit: Yes I bought it back when it got released during WoD.

I bought that mount more than 8 years ago.
Don’t really care if it is free now.
Let it be. :peace_symbol:

I don’t believe they’ve ever stated that mount on the store was limited to the store, so I don’t see the issue with it.

I ate a sandwich and then pooped it out. Can I get a refund ?


Now that Warforged Nighmare is free will those of you who bough store mounts stop asking if you are going to get a refund every time a store mount comes to the trading post? Also the answer is no.

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also mention since when have you been using the mount ?

If it’s a lot of money to you then don’t FOMO buy pixels. If it’s just spare cash then forget about it, you had many years of entertainment for the price of a couple of cinema tickets

Will I get a refund for buying all the expansions up to Dragonflight now that they are free?


I doubt it would appear like that.
Maybe a recolor could be a new reward for 12 months of getting tender - replacing the warden set. We’ve had that one long enough.

The comparison isn’t right. No film is £27, not only that, this is a mount… pixels, made quickly by an experienced 3D artist, not a year or two production that is a film… and is foooking £27. DO you get that? So, if I am willing to pay £27 for pixels, I FOOKING HOPE I KEEP THOSE FOOKING PIXELS EXCLUSIVE TO PAYING PEOPLE … AT THE FOOOKING LEAST.

A multi-billion pound company, can get its 3D artists to churn out new mounts no problem for the trading post whilst honouring those willing to fork out silly money for pixels. Instead, the opposite is done to purely satisfy FOMO people and children/students who have little money, who also get off on FOMO products. Do you not see the basic psychology trickery here that businesses do and the cheek of this?

So therefore, they can fook off. Based on the above text the business antics are lousy, cheap and predatory at the least, at the most, a total insult… £27 FOR A FEW PIXELS, then handed out for free, from a multi-billion pound company.

No more buying mounts for me when it’s clear they hand them out for free anyway! Thankfully the game is dull and i will hopefully drop the subscription as well, when time is right with friends. It’s like paying for cardboard, but yes, business antics like this peeves me off even if i wasn’t really interested in their product.

Just don’t buy off the store if you are bothered it might be free later on, this has happened so many times to me on PlayStation…bought a game then a few days later it gets added to PS+
I just won’t buy anything from the BattleNet store because I feel they earn more than enough from subs ( which shouldn’t even be a thing these days )

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