Now that you're actually *forcing* people to leave their realms, are you gonna provide free guild transfers as well?

As the title suggests. I’m from Nethergarde Keep and formerly from Gianstalker (the Wrath fresh realm), so I’m honestly very frustrated that I am going to have to do another server transfer. The main difference between the Giantstalker → Nethergarde Keep transfer and NGK → Mirage Raceway / Pyrewood Village is that Giantstalker technically wasn’t forced to leave. This time around Blizzard actually announced that they will be moving characters by force during Cataclysm as they shut down the low population realms permanently. So how about the guilds get to transfer properly instead of having to recreate the guild (and their tabs in the bank) as a little compensation for having to start over yet again?


Dont want to be rude, but cmon dude :rofl:. As If this was a big deal cmon

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There’s no mechanism for that and creating one would be a lot of work so it’s safe to assume that won’t happen

It’s not just about transfering goods, reforming the guild and buying the tabs again.

Guilds usually lose players in situations like this (imagine people who haven’t logged in for a while but who are planning to return for Cata). They don’t all see the warnings on the forum or on our Discord, and in game there’s nothing that highlights the closure of our server.

So yes, it really is an inconvenience. One we didn’t even ask for, as we’d be happy to just continue with our realms.


Exactly this! Thank you for understanding.

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Don’t want to be rude, but you are :poop: . It is a big deal, same with character names. But I don’t expect a pugger like you to understand this.

^^^ True drama queen

Wow a 99 Parser boy spotted. Its not a big deal, get over it.

Actually we had this discussion already nearly two years ago on June 22:

Oh, I don’t speak German, so I wouldn’t have known either way - could you perchance explain if there ever came a conclusion to this?

Basically this is the thread about the first realm murder, or as Blizzard says considilation, which is kept alive by previous Celebras players and now is used by the community to discuss about the second current planned server killing because the germans still got not official announcement about this.

Not really, it’s already in the client and may need a small amount of work. Remember this is not the Wrath client from 15+ years ago but it’s based on a far newer client that had guild realm transfers in it.


I’m assuming they messed around enough with the guild coding to make that non trivial