Now they try to get Gallywix

Which leaders currently fit that trope, exactly? That haven’t been killed off or replaced?

To be franck, I was waiting for your post since I saw the direct few days ago :rofl:!

Don’t worry, he survived BFA. Most likely he will survive again, he is the perfect incarnation of a south american dictator, I think they want to keep him around!

Physical strength isn’t necessarily a good leadership quality

They’re not mutually exclusive traits but men who are physically strong are generally more reliable than those who are not. Someone can be physically strong with an imposing presence and still be fairly strong.

You didn’t actually answer my question, though. You claimed:

So I’m curious, of the current batch of racial leaders which of the men do you believe to align with that description?

Maybe once America oust the dicktator people will realise gender is irrelevant for leaders

…that doesn’t answer the question either.

I do. I just ignore him mostly cuz he never does anything.

He is a unionist and revolutionary who tries to change whole goblin society at the root. Read his short story.

Because stuff keeps getting worse my dude.

Because for some reason I am the only person who still cares.

If you haven’t noticed it Gallywix wants power which means if he stayed in the Horde he would have tried to bribe his way to overcome the other cartels via his own schemes.

Ask yourself. Do the alliance race leaders strive away in any form from the rest of their people? That is your answer.


Have you played Dragon Age? Orzammar has a king but still operates with an Assembly that balances the power.

Who is your perfect leader pick for Ironforge?

I agree with this yes.

We already have stoic yet moral races that is the whole point of my criticism.

I won’t. I will just go to the Steamwheedle instead and pretend Gazlowe doesn’t exist.

Still more fun then the Orc one.

As far as I noticed it was Zandalari, trolls, Goblins, Orcs and undead. The rest were absent.

Oh trust me if the trolls ever went serious to retake stolen land they would committ to it.

Losing a fight means you die. Neither of it factually happened to Jaina or Gelbin.

Most fans like him now. Seems I give your advice back, just accept it. We have worse leaders then him.

Only one, Thrall in Cataclysm, WOD Orcs were villains.

And got what he deserved because she was better then his narrow minded plans that would have failed without her. She send the Gilneans running.

You never quested the Ghostlands. Obviously. They are friendly with each other.

Are you crying over that ogre face not winning? Lol.

Garrosh was bad to everyone. It was a setup from the start.

So? He is still a human. Body wise alone he wouldn’t last longer without his special swords.

In theory the azerite bot was better but out of fuel. We showed Gelbin he ain’t nothing.

Some times the way you were designed for from the start is the best way to write a good story around.

That is 20 years of lore where Blizzard never knew what they had to do with the Horde especially the Orcs.

That we won’t know until she wakes up.

And the Horde abandoned all allies cuz peace. I am sure Talanji has all the reasons never talk again with the other leaders and send Tayo for everything to the meetings.

Because Blizzard is too dumb for good writing yes.

You remember when High King Anvilmar died? Same can happen again if we have a good narrative leader.

Many kings were nerds who never fought.

Now you show your own bias.

Something you have no proof for still.

Thrall or baine come closest to that probably. I would’ve said genn but he retired for whatever reason. Tbf I suppose he’s been king since like the second war I think

How I hope the new raid ost will be

There is no place for gallywix not even in the old horde or the new. He only cares about his own money and him self.

Not even the old Horde could hold a place for him too be honest. Because unless the Horde offers him more profit for less than he can provide back into the horde. Gallywix would become trouble.

Gally is not a team player. And unlike the rest of the horde that banded together to survive the Alliance. Gallywix only thinks about him self… He doesn’t even care about his fellow gobbos.

Gallywix is a character that thinks about his own personal gains and needs before anyone elses… Even that of the Horde it self as a whole. There is and never was a place for him in the Horde.

What game are you playing? We didn’t survive the alliance. We were forced into an uneasy peace because they stood in our capital.

Like a true goblin yes.

Gallywix is a master at logistics and can do more then Gazlowe for less effort.

I just think your wrong about this one Eri… Gally is not the character you wanna die on a hill upon defending.

He is the stero type goblin greed character… The entire goblin starting Zone was about how bad he was treating the Goblins of Kezan and the hero character.

And his entire time in the horde was too use the Horde for profit to his own gains.

Sylvanas is in the maw and everyone else I used to like is dead. So yes this is my symbolic final hill i can stand on for the moment since I don’t like a single one of the replacement leaders.

Hopefully :rofl:

I’m also not very happy making another horde leader a raid boss, if anything we should finally raid Stormwind, burn it down and start the war again. I hate alliance scum, they need to be eradicated.

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Did you notice that patch 11.1 is based on Goblins? So that is an entire patch/season dedicated to a horde race. Goblin themed everything, new delves, battleground, arena and raid.

Then, with that in mind, it makes sense that bad Goblins are in the raid.

Then, with that in mind, Gallywix is a betrayer of the Goblin race, money and deceit got him leadership originally and now it is his time to pay. It should have happened sooner but I’m glad it didn’t as I quit at the end of Cata, so would have missed it.

Then, with that in mind, it isn’t even on the PTR yet, how do you know he’ll be killed in the raid and not banished or put in a jail cell? But regardless, even if he dies, I’ll be happy with that and wouldn’t take it as a slight against the Horde.

Sylvannas will be back one day and friendly with the Horde and dare I say, Alliance too.

Garrosh, never liked him, he should never have been made Warchief. So happy he’s gone.

Even though I don’t play Alliance, I still think that Varian’s death has been one of the biggest deaths in game to date, if not the biggest, for either faction. A huge loss for the Alliance that I didn’t even celebrate. Hell, I’d say it was a loss for the Horde too.

It always comes with a price. Or did you see them kill Erazmin or Gelbin just so the mechagnomes join the alliance?

Gallywix ruled the Bilgewater for 8 years. He was Horde until Blizzard decided we need more villains.

I don’t know what lore you’re talking about here but if you are referring to BfA, that wasn’t an Alliance focused expansion. Horde and Alliance, for the most part, had their own story to follow.

I’m not denying that he was the leader but he has always been a villain, this isn’t some new character development plot.

Yes it was.

He was a greedy slimeball something Blizzard was fine until the Gazlowe short story came up.

I know some accurate graphic I will share with you what Legion and BFA were. Interpret for yourself which is which.