NPC Toggle On/Off Petition

For anybody that it might interest - Not sure how far this can be taken but if we don’t ask, we’ll never know right?

I’d love for you to give it a read! :smiley:

(P.s Copy and paste but eliminate the spaces in the link, I couldn’t post it any other way, thanks!)

http:// PbRdSkHN

While this is a fantastic idea, I believe a petition is a highly ineffective way of ever bringing the idea to Blizzard’s attention. At this point I think pretty much the only truly reliable way to ever be seen is to make a thread on r/wow, pray it gets to the first page, and then pray it gets enough traction to be reposted to US forums.

Regardless, good luck! This is not the kind of thing I could ever see Blizzard implementing, but if they do then it would greatly benefit players everywhere. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ahh… A chance to use my powers for something other than evil.


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