NPCs and enemies not appearing, unable to continue quests

Hi all,
I actually hate having to request help like this but non of the “similar” forums appear to be helpful and I am completely stuck. I bought WoW last week and was having a blast going through the classic content first. I am finished the majority of these quests in Kalimdor and decided to go across the pond to Eastern Kingdoms via boat to Stranglethorn. Upon arriving and heading out to do quests I noticed there are no npcs, enemies, pets or wildlife, with the exception being a few zombies and serpents related to Bwemba’s quest.
I have exited and came in to the game numerous times, updated and restarted Blizzard app, updated pc software and driver and restarted and o change. I have gone back to Kalimdor and all seems fine that side, leading me to believe it is a timeline issue, but I can’t find any way to go to a previous timeline in Stranglethorn either. I have literally spent hours now, just trying different solutions but I am stuck. I also thought it might be Bwemba’s quest that is the problem, but I can’t seem to continue it as those npcs are missing as well.
Any help would greatly be appreciated, I would love to get back to my questing and achievements.
Thank you

Hello there Thrallza and welcome to the adventure!

If you’re new to WoW this kind of so called phasing can understandably be a bit confusing, though it sounds like you already correctly narrowed it down to the quest Bwemba’s Spirit.

When it comes to phasing it’s often the case that you actually need to fully complete whatever quest chain has triggered it in order to return to the regular timeline/phase.

Hopefully you would have already heard about wowhead by now, which is typically a great resource whenever you get stuck, and if you check out the comments on this quest here, it’ll give you more info on the full chain and what you need to do. If you’re having issues with any specific quest in the series, go to it directly and check out the comments and chances are you’re not the first to run into it.

If you still have questions we also have dedicated forum sections, such as this one:

Best of luck Thrallza – I hope you can still figure it out, and once again welcome to World of Warcraft!

Hi Tyrskorn,

Thank you so very much for the quick and helpful response. I am familiar with wowhead and have been looking there, but thank you so much for directing me to pay attention to the comments here. I noticed they said it takes some time before Bwemba starts to talk with Voljin and it literally takes more than 30 seconds, but eventually they talked and I was able to close the quest. Hence, it seems like everything is back to normal.

Again, thank you so much!

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Glad to hear it worked out! :smiley: