Ny'alotha looks AMAZING

In fact, it looks so good I don’t even want to dig too much into the screenshots not to spoil myself the pleasure of adventuring through this awesome new raid.

I really DO hope this isn’t the last time we see old gods’ architecture and world, but just the beginning, cause this looks - REALLY - good. I thought nothing could top Suramar but I now think I have to change my mind!

Congratulations to the art team, that’s something really beautiful, and this comes from a big Lovecraft’s fan!


That’s me.
Listen, but don’t look. That’s my usual approach to PTRs. :grin:

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My friends keep trying to tell me stuff they’ve done on the PTR and I’m like this :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


I don’t want to download the PTR exactly because of that, but I’ve come across a couple of screenshots on wowhead and I couldn’t believe my eyes :OOOO

is it just a raid zone or will it be like an area for questing and rep grinding?

I’ve snuck a few looks as well, and it does look really good.
I find it remarkable that even after 15 years of WoW, there’s still something new that the art team can make that’s crazy good-looking, whilst also being different from everything prior.

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Whoever leading the Art team. They better not change his position!


As far as I know, it will only be a raid zone!

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I usually look up tanking videos ahead of release (a few days ahead). That’s all the spoiling I get.

Glad it looks cool. Hope it’s fun too, as a tank most fights have been not toooooooo immersive recently

This should have been a zone not a raid.

There’s a lot of effort to make a unique aesthetic.

Could this be the taste of the next expansion…

I hope so.


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