Ny'alotha Mythic lockout


I just came back to the game, and i dont know how lockouts work. If i make 6/12 Ny’alotha raid mythic with a pug can i do the other 12/12 with a guild or likewise ? How does it work.

Best regards.

If you mean if you can continue with that 6/12 lockout with your guildies, you can if no one else from the pug makes their own group for it.
If you mean if you can go to your guild’s run that starts from the start, you can’t. For that reset, you are locked to 6/12 and cannot go into other lockouts. Even more, if someone from the pug makes their own group and kills two bosses, making it 8/12, those two bosses will also be dead for you for that reset, despite you actually not killing them.
Note that this only applies to mythic difficulty, you can do LFR, normal and heroic as many times as you want, you just can’t get any loot (this includes even gold and AP) after the first kill of each reset.


Yeah, curious how this works as well, how does one pug mythic and do 6/12?


Yea thats what i meant. Thanks for clarifying

I don’t understand why Mythic raid lockout is not like other difficulties!

Some of us need to practice fight mechanics and at the same time joining the guild run…

Even if it was the same as heroic, you’d literally be shooting your raid in the leg by loot locking yourself in pugs.
Not to mention most mythic fights are the same as heroic by base mechanics, with one or two added mechanics. Which is something you should be able to learn during your guild runs themselves.

Not really. They are progressing in heroic and mythic its optional.
For another words. Attendance is for heroic and normal Ny, and Mythic Ny is not really mandatory.
Bites me.

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