Pretty much as the title says I was wondering if there are any raiding community on Argent Dawn that PUGs currently content raid outside guilds.
I am interested in gearing up a bit and getting some progress done but I am not seeking to join a active raiding guild so I was just wondering if there are any community around?
The Freelancers are a Argent Dawn raiding community that only raids every wednesday, as us Roleplayers like to RP and not spend too much time raiding when we can. The times are usually from 20.00-24.00 and we’re currently running Nyalotha Heroic. I’ve been with them for almost a year now and IMO it’s great to actively raid and also have enough time to RP on a weekly basis. Currently there are not enough members to fill a full raid so there will always be pugs, but Tank and Healer spots can be covered by those that gear 2 different specs on their characters.
Next week(which I unfortunately have to miss ;=;) the Freelancers are back at Maut HC, be sure to join in if you want to try out! (440 is the minimum ilvl however, but if you’re close be sure to strike a whisper to the Raid Leader Maraella)