OCD and WoW

I don’t know, if one’s OCD relies on others remembering something for them…then not having anyone remember it solves it as now nobody knows that the route taken is not the one that they took initially.

Either way, therapy, therapy, and even more therapy. Don’t forget that quite some “diagnoses” are self-made, if this was an online occasion: don’t trust half of it.

I cant use shoulder transmogs which are different on each side. I mean items which are designed like this without the transmog option to mog each side differently.

I cant set ingame volumes to anything which is not a multiple of 5.

Armor has to be at 100% durability.

Playing a night elf and jumping i must do at least one flip until i stop jumping.

I have to click the qitem x times, one is not enough.

Every gold above 10k goes into the warbank.

Ui panels, even from different addons have to be aligned by the pixel. Elvui components have to be alligned to a pixel which is a multiple of 5.

In classic wow the rogue poisons have to be the same ammount, 11 crippling means 11 deadly poison in the bags.

If i buy pots i buy exactly 20.

But not an illness tho, just shenanigans.

That’s the dumbest part - he feels that the route is wrong, but he doesn’t know what the right one is until he finds it again.

He has an official diagnosis, and it was not online.

But you’re not wrong in general.

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That must be horrible to experience, ngl.

Yeah I feel pretty bad for him ngl :confused:

I don’t normally talk about this much outside of really close friends. As someone who has been diagnosed with OCD for over 15 years. The explosion of people making tiktok videos saying “YOU HAVE OCD IF YOU DO THIS” is shocking. Especially when they spread misinformation. It’s not the only thing Tiktok users do it with.

The misinformation and people self diagnosing themselves creates issues for people that actually have it to get proffesional help.

It’s not a random small thing you can just get over. I’ve been told from one of the biggest experts on the subject in the UK that there is no “getting over” real OCD. It’s about managing it. Once you have it you tend to have it for the rest of your days.

Anyway the thing with OCD is you can’t really tell if what someone is saying is fake unless you’re an expert. The thing with OCD is you could legit do any kind of thing and be obsessed about doing it “correctly” There is no right and wrong answer and this is what leads to it being self diagnosed so much. The majority of humans like doing things in a certain way but don’t obsess over it.

If you really think you have OCD though go get checked out because if you leave it. It manafests and gets much worse. I’m speaking from experiance. However, please don’t self diagnose yourself with conditions it’s not good for you.

OCD mostly comes from some sort of trauma. Hope I helped someone in some way if you’re unsure about something when it comes to the subject, maybe not.

I’ve actually been working with some of the biggest experts in the UK about changing some of the techniques to help out people with my experiance. I also provided many recordings to look more into the subject and maybe learn more to change the way the condition is approached. I’ve been dealing with it for a long time and challenged a lot of the treatment methods. I hope I’ve helped some people out there suffering with what I supplied the experts.


Wouldn’t surprise me if it came from trauma. That family is… something else. I can’t even talk about what I experienced on my first day with them without getting banned 10 times over. :confused:

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I would say the only thing this tiktok self diagnose trend is good for is that it brings people to question themselfs and look for help that actually need it but would not do otherwise.

Sure there are A LOT of people that just start " oh I have ADHD and autism I’m so quirky nothing is my fault" and those suck but some.people see those videos and and actually start questioning there behaviour they never understood but that was just called bad behaviour by the terribly neglectful generation that raised us.


Exactly. I know people with various diseases like that. And the thing they have in common is that they try to not stand out. Or bother others, or make it their sole personality trait.

They simply avoid, and/or kindly decline situations in which it would be a problem for them. And you never really find out how serious the disease is because they manage it so well.

On the other hand, people that present themselves with “I have XYZ disease” before even saying their name… for me its self diagnosed BS right off the bat.

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I’m sorry that my forum post caused you to feel the way you do. All I wanted to was asking if people had any experience how to deal with it.

You have to put yourself in others shoes as well.

Everyone has issues in their life. In particular with WoW. And you dont need to have a disease for that to be true.

So asking these type of things looks like “I am special because I have OCD”. When in reality you are not. You just have an issue to deal with.

Like everyone else.

Also. We live in a time where everyone is desperatelly trying to find some quality that makes them unique. So much BS with self-diagnosed diseases has made the general public numb to these things.

And posts like these dont help. Even if they have good intentions.

People don’t fully understand the difference between rituals and obsessions.

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I strongly disagree with your post. Everyone has their own problems? Sure. However making posts like this makes certain people scared to open up online and doing so has saved so many peoples lifes.

The point of my post above was also to point out that nobody on the forum can tell when someone is doing it for “attention” from a post like this. The op can be very serious and legit wanting to just talk about it. You would need to know the circumstances. This is an example of what these tiktok videos have done. It’s made people water down what the condition actually is.

I would rather take the risk of dealing with an attention seeking over someone actually reaching out to talk to people online that’s struggling. Especially if they are having thoughts about harming themselves. There is some people out there that legit has nobody to turn to except random people on a forum they use. Imagine if your comment could save someone genuine, Is it worth the risk just incase their an attention seeker and there is no real way of knowing?

I know what one I would pick.

I also don’t blame people being fed up such as yourself with people chasing attention. It is a huge problem but it doesn’t mean that was the OP intentions.


Why open up online and not in person?

Would you do this in a bar with strangers? Would you do this in a job? NO?

Do you really think that going to a party and talking to strangers about your OCD is an appropriate conversation to have?

You can ask Ishayo’s friends and his OCD friend that needed to be taken outside the mall by the hand, in a specific way he sais so. Do you think those guys will invite this OCD person again? And if they did, would it be out of pity or respect? Take your guess…

Then why do you think Online is any different? Its the same people you are talking about…

Strangers online and in person will not solve any of your issues. A therapist will.

You are wasting your time, or being really naive, if you think this.

Like I said. THERAPY.

I am just a dude on the internet. If my approval or empathy has any value on someones self-esteem is just ANOTHER thing to take to a professional (therapist) and think about it.

And contrary to you, if my post actually makes people with problems move their but and seek the help they need, from the people that can actually make a difference, then I consider that a WIN.

Cause I don’t have the solutions to their problems, and nether do you. And treating people with pity and self loathing wont help them. It will just make you feel better.

Better be honest and say: I dont care. Seek others that do. Therapist, friends, family, social services, ect…

And just sit for a moment. What kind of world do you want to live in ? I do not want to live in a world where everyone’s problems are a thing. I might as well quit the forums.

For two reasons:

(A) The WOW forums are NOT therapy.
(B) I got my own problems. Want to hear me whine about them? And why is OP more special than me that he gets to talk about his problems and not me? Cause apparently, there is a difference as YOU already stated…

I mean… I can start talking about burnout from a demanding job, with 2 demanding kids… lack of sleep and stress… I mean… OP at-least gets to play WOW. All I can do now is read the forums. Wanna hear about it?

I gave my suggestion on how to fix that. And I did not diminish the OCD in any way.

And my post above was to the OPs surprise to the response someone said in general to people with OCD. Here is the post for your memory:

And my answer to that was simply this:

Which is my answer to why people, in general, make have a hard time taking these posts seriously.

What people do is exactly what you say:

But the truth is that you got a ton of people completely numb to “another [insert mental disease] post” and its issues. Not just in the WoW post, but in RL as well. And to be honest, I include myself in that category. For many reasons inside and out of WoW.

Im just stating what the situation is. In general. And OP should know it.

I do believe that most people trying to reach out like this believe that there’s a very high chance their post will be seen and ignored or possibly ridiculed… However it’s really worth considering that there are tons of people with issues that can relate, maybe offer experience. Having suffered from something very scary a few months ago, something that helped me and the people close to me be able to deal with it was exactly someone sharing his experience with me at the hospital. It didn’t fully apply to me, of course, however the part that did would end up helping. In the long run too.

In the original post’s case, it’s a part of daily life. Having multiple people share experience and advice doesn’t necessarily have to “fix” them. It’s enough to show a different point of view and help mitigate an issue that could otherwise take much longer to have the same effect for. We’re human, after all. One might come to x conclusion instantly, the other wouldn’t even dream of thinking about it. Wow issues are very specific and an even smaller % has the same illness AND plays wow. The best way to reach out is to actually use the internet to get that information.

What I ask of you is to please consider others. I understand your point of view but I don’t believe it applies here. Because you’re right, every 2nd person online will tell you that they have a mental illness based on 2 videos and 3 behaviours that might commonly appear. And even then, if that’s the case and they’re worrying over nothing, having an idea or a system to deal with every day life trouble will still make life better. There’s nothing wrong with talking about it online, no. Sometimes that’s the best place for it.


I put my respectful suggestion to OP some posts above. So I did my part.

Was about to write something. But you just went through something scary. And the people that helped you were those that were closest to you. Not some random people from a forum.

That should be the lesson here.

You are my last hope, will you abandon me just cause your random person on forum :smiley:

Ps. I am not in distress just pointing out ppl here are ppl too! Gotta help brother out :teddy_bear:

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Nobody wants to read my rant about the problems in my life…

None of you are here for that. And frankly, im not here to talk about my problems either. :slight_smile:

Im here to murder some puppies for gold. Especially if they are alliance puppies. Thats about it.

And that is what WoW is about. Its a parallel world where you can, for a time, forget all that stuff and pretend you are someone else.

Sometimes ppl want to talk about random stuff to somebody or share, he spoke of his ocd and how it affects wow. Its okay brother, and it kept one thread busy so that also filled platforms purpose for while. Atleast it werent about politics or something the like :smiley: