OCD and WoW

Totally. Atleast that…

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Aye, Ill heal them, see ya at the battlefields! :smiley:

Yes, a completely random person IRL who I’ve never seen before or since. That’s what these strangers on the forum can function as for someone else. Words can be very powerful.



Next time I am hurt I will ask a random person for “powerful words” instead of a Doctor for medical help.

Also, the next time im in the hospital I will for sure call some random person in the street for “powerful words” instead of the comfort and love of my mother.

Is that what you are implying? Or maybe exceptions don’t make rules.

It worked for you. Pure chance. But I would not rely on the kindness of strangers for anything. It devalues professionals (therapist and doctors) and it especially undervalues family and friends.

All good words are welcome. But you did not actively seek the council of a stranger to fix your problem. And that is what I was referring to.

Did you read what I’ve written? It’s about day to day life. How you deal with issues presented by an illness. No doctor can tell you about wow stuff as much as they’d like to. Someone who has the experience playing wow and the same illness as you can share invaluable experience you can’t find anywhere else. But I’m really done trying to make you understand. Feels like you’re just not reading any of this more than quickly skimming through and missing half of it.

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I read what you said. Did you read what I said?

In general. Not specifically. I already addressed the specific question from OP. I suggested to make 1 toon. Because 1 is an even number and it fixes the indecision issue.

I was responding to another post. That is all I have been saying to OP. The response of Teddyblinkz (this one:)

Is perfectly justified. And because there is a daily post about this stuff… people get numb to this type of posts…

I mean… look at this:

While this post is going on we have one of those simultaneously. I mean… it puts people in a weird position. On the one hand, this is not the place for such posts. And second you cant really say anything about it except ignore it because… well… it is a tragedy. Saying anything other than kind thoughts would be cruel.

And this stuff happens daily.

So next time, OP simply has to ask that he wants to make a new character, has to be XYZ class and he is undecided. No need to start the post by saying “I have OCD, therefore please help with my toons”.

Spare the drama! Just ask make a post that sais “I need help with my toons”. He will get better answers and better responses from the general public.

And I’m sorry you ended up feeling that way. I hope you know you did nothing wrong, you just asked a question.

I get those who start to growl when someone mentions certain kind of things, but the fact it may be trending on whatever social media does not mean some people can’t genuinely and objectively struggle with something. It helps to know you’re not alone in your struggle. It can help to hear how others deal/dealt with it.


Well, its forum which sole purpose is that there is trafic and that people post on the platform. Ops topic fills that purpose and it created discussion related his some wow related topic he wished to make so I would say it fulfill the purpose of wow forum by that definition alone. His thread is not breaking any rules and he is not being offensive to anyone either, the thread is valid wow related matter he wished to create and were successful in filling forums purpose with it.


I think you should swap Hunter for Shaman and then you could cover all four roles in the game, Tank, Healer, Melee, Ranged. But that’s just how I look at it.

There is a touch of the completionist in me for sure. But once you realise that there is simple so much stuff in game (much of which is now unobtainable) that completing it is impossible it makes it easier to deal with.
Saying that I did run Dragon Soul for half a dozen years for Blazing Drake (which finally dropped just before xmas) so I’m not entirely cured. But I think I have it more-or-less under control…

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Woo grats, you’re finally free from that place! (I hope…? :wink: )

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I am!
I have every mog, mount and pet from there. I have the legendary daggers on my rogue. I saw 3 life binders over that time. Not sure how many Experiment 13s as I stopped even looking at the loot apart from the last chest.

All I don’t have from there is the LFR mogs which I never collected as the mounts didn’t drop in there. And I shalln’t be collecting them either. I have Normal and Heroic sets for every class as well as the other mogs that drop in there.

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I was thinking about healing and tanking, but my current situation (small kids and other commitments) doesn’t really allow me to play uninterrupted for a longer time so I’m pretty much not participating in group content. But shaman is definitely something that I’d look into in the future.

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I have a bit of it too. In some periods worse than others. I had to accept defeat last night, as I could not play anymore before the anniversary was over, and I had to leave an achievement hanging with 1 objective left. I was forced to rush some of the secrets of Azeroth quests(another thing that bugged me, as I didn’t want to use wowhead to solve any of them, but ran out of time and thought they were all I had left. Completing those, I decided to wowhead the last objective, and realised it was about gathering those Darkmoon decks. Reaching midnight, I had to admit defeat. It’s painfull. I ruined a handfull of the Secrets of Azeroth quests for myself for it too.

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