October’s Trading Post is Spooktacular

We are homeless murderhobos, so poor and without any morals we commit any (war)crime for pocketchange and shinny baubles
If we would wear suits we would be…
Just accept it, we are not nobles
We are not worthy to dress like the upper classes
We are so low we are basically six feet under and descending!

Don’t say awful things like that :frowning:

You have two hours to refund the Tender after you buy an item.

Love the tabards!!
And must own all the cowl/hoods. Not nearly enough of them as a mail wearer…
Got the mount too offc :slight_smile:
Wish we could earn more tenders …

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Am I the only one kinda horrified by the Imp in a Ball? I mean its a whole Imp squashed into a tiny ball…apparently forever!! /shudder

Loving the broom though, cant wait to get that and luckily the other things I want are the low price items so I can save some tenders.
TBH I also enjoy working my way through the activities, even after Ive got the reward! (def going to be running the Gnomeregan race with a pink shirted gnome this year!).

I know I already refunded.

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Nice :relieved:
I think not everyone is aware of this.

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That staff in Fury’s pic reminds me a lot of the Sinister Gladiator’s Staff, in case you weren’t aware of its existence and might like it :slight_smile:

I’m so torn on the druid weapons… I think they’re awesome, but I don’t exactly play druid. The last time I did was WoD and only for a short while :smile:

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I guess you know by now it was a tool tip error.

Eh, I’ve done worse things to mine.

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This broom mount is about the best reward so far (for me).
I would check it out if this mount had the option of dragon riding :smiley:

I actually think Daelaa’s onto something. You just shouldn’t do that.

It should put it in a cube.

I hope that’ll happen, I’d love to zoooooom on my broom!

Pfff my imps wish they were in a cube.

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best month for a long while for items . medivah bits are awesome.

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I want to be this majestic dark caster with a flowy black cloak and a Phantom of the Opera vibe.

Goes to sit in the corner.

My warlock doesn’t care.

It didn’t say horde only in the game, so I bought it. I have locks on both alliance and horde anyways.


I didn’t even know Imps had faction loyalty :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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But they have
Just called “goblins”

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