October’s Trading Post is Spooktacular

Those chainmail tabards will be SO USEFUL for all transmog lovers out there. Finally something that can be combined with everything.

The DK shoulders look cool, the belts a little sus! And the weapons don’t match the set available :rofl: got like 7000 tenders as I buy next to nothing…


Big Love Wooden

Now all that’s missing is a cat sitting on your shoulder.
Make it happen Blizz.

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Hmmm, I’ll spend only 450 for DH triple piece.

I’m still waiting for huge 2hand swords to Trading Post. Give us a few unrealistic size 2h sword, this is a fantasy game. No more Armageddon recolours…

The sword must have equal height to our character, perhaps a little bit longer.

I’m buying a bunch of this… but, loving that pet… why is it horde only? My alliance lock wants it.

Not sure what that druid set is meant to resemble though.

Lil’ KT isn’t Horde-only. Nothing on the October TP is faction-specific.

It is the problem of the Return to Office policy where many many talented people quit and so they can not complete features anymore.
Seems like the Class sets where already partually completed before and those few things where put for sale so they can deliver the planned Class Sets.
Of course no player demanded to get them now so either it whas Bobby demanding them to be released so that some whales will be like

or they thought that at least the most remarkable things where done and so they could be shipped.

You’re Human again! :expressionless:

I’m talking about imp in a ball. It’s a toy. Says horde only.

I love the broom.

I also plan to buy the

  • Shifty Merchant’s Tunic
  • Vagabond’s Lively Threads
  • Wanderer’s Lively Trappings
  • Gleaming Mail Tabard
  • Shadowy Mail Tabard

Optionally, the Granny’s Old Hat as well.

I think this is going to be a pretty good month for me.

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As a fan of simple looking transmogs there’s plenty to buy this month! I’m glad I didn’t waste tender on class sets

The typo in the thread title is atrocious. That’s not how you write spectacular. OP should be ashamed.


Yeahhhh… I love gnomes, but their customization is just lacking.
Humans have more possibilities and I like to play around with different themes/aestethics and whatnot regularly.


The meaning of whale in the sense of gaming has changed significantly if you think I’m one :laughing: :rofl:

Love the Ashamane’s weapons.


They are nice, but sadly are restricted to Druids :frowning:

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Really cool Trade Post month.
I bought a lot of stuff and the monthly reward looks amazing.

I just want Masquerade / Noble masks to make an appearance in this game.
It’s ridiculous that all those years we aren’t getting -any- proper HD outfits fitting for noble-based characters.

Where are the amazing HD noble suits?
Where are the amazing noble dresses for ladies?
Where are the MASKS?

I am really hoping to see some of that come to TP.

Pity the Feathered Cowl bleeds through the shoulders and neck. Could have been such a good transmog option - what a waste of tender!. :frowning_face: