With season 3 coming to a close soon, the time of Odyn’s fury damage amp is soon to pass. The CDR will not be missed, but - the raw damage, that is something that should stay.
For context, so numbers don’t seem too “big”:
Raging blow is 144% AP, with talented +15%, for a total of 165% AP.
Rampage is 250% AP. With an additional 100% modifier, for a total of up to 500% AP.
Both of these have no real cooldown. They are rotational abilities.
The problem:
Odyn’s Fury out of the box does close to no real impact damage.
Baseline Odyn’s Fury is 182% AP + 84% AP over 4 seconds. A total of 266% AP.
Onslaught, Odyn’s Fury main competitor, is 212% AP modifier.
Now, with these numbers in mind, Odyn’s Fury is on a 45 second cool-down. So 6% AP per second in value. Onslaught is on a 18 second cool-down. So a 12% AP per second in value.
This means we could double the number of Odyn’s Fury cast and it would still only be equal.
Now, when it comes to talent nodes, I hope most here will agree that Tenderise (that gives you 60% Rampage damage, or 150% raw AP damage, 8% AP per second value) with an additional extension of your enrage - far out-values Dancing Blades (~140%) or Titanic Rage (70% raw value).
Oh, you thought I was done? Nah, I am not. Because Onslaught also have a 20% chance to grant recklessness for 4 Seconds on top of all the other leading factors. Then it is the fact that Onslaught also generates 30 rage, Vs Odyn’s Fury 15. Onslaught can be used essentially 3 times per 1 Odyn’s Fury. That is 90 rage Vs 15! Not including the double up from recklessness! Season 2 Tier-set is rage hungry, don’t forget, this really matters.
To say that Odyn’s Fury is close to the value of Onslaught is being disingenuous. It is far less. There is no choice here, as Odyn’s Fury is a neutered ability in comparison.
Now, to be fair, Odyn’s Fury is stronger in an environment where either:
a) Fights with AoE burst that lasts 5 seconds, and reoccurs every 45 seconds. With 8 or more targets. With no other stable cleave in between.
b) Fights where you would want to do double down on burst, every 1.5minutes with, my most hated talent, Titan’s Torment. Where Odyn’s Fury “gets” to do double its normal value in that window of time.
(Why I hate Titan’s Torment? As long it exists, Fury’s burst potential is always locked to the double cast. As such, Odyn’s Fury can’t hit too hard - as it would make this synergy too strong in this scenario - I really hate this, I hate it so much, I want to use Odyn’s Fury, not this frankenstein’s combo!)
So what would I like to see and what I am asking for?
Should Odyn’s Fury beat Onslaught outright on Single Target? No, that is not what I want. But you can buff Odyn’s Fury by 51% baseline, and it would still be 3% AP behind in value per second from the raw damage alone (with modifiers, we can roughly say Onslaught is 11% ahead on AP per second in value, not including rage synergy with S2 tierset bonus).
If - in a dream world where Titan’s Torment doesn’t exist, I would say buff Odyn’s Fury even more. 75-100% even. At 100%, Odyn’s Fury would still be behind on single target AP% per second in value.
Now, before you go, but GCD economy! OF with two Raging blows totals 596% AP. Onslaught is 636% raw AP in value.
OF is 15 rage, with two raging blows for 24 rage - 121% AP value.
OS is 90 rage, 281% value, with 20% bonus chance for rage gains in that period not included!
OF with its two raging blows are 40% of Slaughtering Strikes. 100% AP value, with an additional 140% from Dancing Blades.
OS with it’s nine stacks of Slaughtering Strikes are 450% AP in value.
That is a total of:
Odyn’s Fury: 957% AP
Onslaught: 1367% AP
A buffed Odyn’s: 1090% AP
Conclusion and a plea:
Please, to keep Odyn’s Fury from dying, yet again - to stop me picking Odyn’s Fury to be equal of becoming a liability for my team. Please, buff Odyn’s Fury baseline by at least 51% for Season 4. I don’t want to be a walking meme, as I was in Season 2 for all of season 4. I just want to play with the ability I enjoy and think is the most fun - without feeling bad about doing so.