I posted this there, my god look at this rubishness.
Whoever responsible for forsaken development must be fired.
All the recent decesions taken regarding this race has stripped the core identity of the forsaken that was given to them since Vanilla. This is no exception.
Clearly his/her idea of forsaken is a punk cultured humans.
(apologies in advance if this comes off as patronising. It is absolutely not intended that way)
You are as entitled to enjoy a race as much as anyone else, but remember that Blizzard has a couple of million players other than you to make happy, at least several hundred thousand for forsaken alone (just pulled that number out my butt for illustrative purposes)
You don’t like the new customisations? No-one is forcing you to use them. It would be better if there was something you like, but if that’s not the case not much you can do except hope for more in the future.
Personally I’m hyped for forsaken customisation more than any other race, even my beloved humans, but that’s just me. If it’s not your thing that’s ok, but don’t come onto the forums and complain about not getting your own way.
TL;DR: no-one is forcing these new customisations upon you, and if there not you’re thing that’s fine, but don’t diminish those for whom it is what they want.
I’ve got a question being the children of Azeroth means we can resurrect all the time, human too… so who the hell are undead forsaken? they should ress normal no?
I’m going to duck out now but a little advice for your next thread.
Don’t lash out at people who disagree, use arguments better than “I read it in the Internet so it must be true” to prove them wrong in a mature and logical manner. Then you may actually be taken seriously.
Oh here we go -AGAIN-, You could have just used your last thread on the exact same topic?
Can you explain to me, as you failed to do in your previous rants on the subject, why Human Forsaken seem to have bones that human beings don’t have? I mean the Dorsal spines that the skeleton rather famously does not have, and the pivot system on the shoulders, that the skeleton rather famously does not have, and would render Forsaken an absolutely ineffectual race who look scary, but are as effective in combat as a stunned hen.
We’ll not even go into the fact that a solid punch could literally disarm a Forsaken.
I think we are all grateful that they did not, in fact, listen to just you.
You seem to have a singular lack of understanding as to what the Forsaken are, which I find odd for someone who is such a self professed fan of them. Seems to me that you don’t actually know much about them at all, do you?
Also “End of Discussion”
Sheer Arrogance signalling “I don’t want a conversation, I am Right”
As a rather shocking revelation to you, I have to regrettably inform you, that you are not right, at all, and this is not the end of the conversation.
It would make sense, yes, unless the process of reanimation does induce advanced Scoliosis in specifically male undead.
No they did not, and they got nothing appealing to -You- Stop confusing your own opinion with fact.
I don’t particularly want blue eyes for my main, it doesn’t mean that I cannot appreciate the fact that extra customisation has been given to Blood Elves. Because I still have the options I had. Same as you do, to look like a biologically impossible Forsaken.
Because some people think that makes sense. I mean it doesn’t, it makes no sense at all, and isn’t what you think of when you think Undead, unless your only exposure to the concept is through WoW, which kind of also means you are not an authority to talk on the subject, as you do not understand the concept of Undead as a prevailing human idea…
I agree with this, Forsaken should have a skeletal option, but a -human- skeleton would be nice, not the current Forsaken option, or rather, as a revolutionary concept, why not Both? The OP is arguing that Forsaken should not have options, which is just bizarre… What if you wanted to look Undead, as opposed to Improbable?
I think you missed the memo old boy, something that is not a surprise to any of us, I am sure. The Horde has Elves in them, a staple of mythology and legend going back thousands of years. Lord of the Rings is not the only fantasy source that exists dear boy, by a long shot.
This however is true, see, I can agree with you Retributor, when you are making sense. Most Trolls with the exception of Darkspear, Gurubashi and Zandalari have got fur, which kind of makes sense, those three tribes either live in, or originated in jungle environments, where fur would not be an asset Zandalari have weird scales which I don’t even pretend to understand, and Darkspear (Who are an offshoot of the Gurubashi) do not have fur or scales, which makes sense, as you would not evolve fur to survive in a jungle environment as a bipedal sentient and sapient species. The natives of such environments in our world have not, so why would Trolls?
Oddly, and entirely unconfrontationally, You are 100% wrong there. They are at their most -flexible- there, but this is precisely because of the developed musculature. I am not a doctor, let me preface that, but I -am- someone who has in my life suffered severe injuries to an elbow and a knee, to the extent that I have internal prosthetic joints. (Always on the Left side, Eesh, I should have been the poster for the Terminator II movie)
Your muscles are incredibly strong around there, and can actually break bones, which are, measure for measure, stronger than concrete. Whilst my Elbow disintegration was a pure bone meets stone interface moment, my Knee, and both lower leg bones were actually broken by my -own- muscles, which were strong enough to rupture and shatter the bones they surrounded. I won’t go into the specifics, as it is boring and medical, but yes, your muscles there are amongst the strongest, because they are the most frequently exercised. They are long muscles, not bunched muscles, so we don’t think of them as being strong. They are though. Without the musculature around the elbows, a powerlifter could not function (I know a Gold Medal winner for Powerlifting in their class in the Invictus Games, this is legit) Likewise the muscles around the knees see some of the most use in the entire body, for those able to walk, But they are stretched muscles, so they don’t bulk up like flexing a Bicep, they just tie up to most of our motor functions. I’m using them now, whilst typing, even though you would not associate typing with physical strength. You’ll use them when responding saying “What nonsense are you saying Brigante?”
Elbows and Knees are massive constructs of muscle almost as important to us as the opposable thumb, they only seem weak, because they have to be flexible in order to function. Don’t believe me? Watch a Powerlifter, see what their elbows and knees do. Absolutely integral.
Can we all just light a candle and pray that Nathanos goes away.
He is ridiculous, unnecessary and makes no sense.
Yet you expect people to care about your ill informed rants?
You redeemed yourself with that line.
Blood Elves however are not getting red eyes (Thank heck) and cannot therefore be Nathanos or Dark Rangers (Thank Heck times twice!) #Nathanoswascoolerwhenhewasforsaken
Just because -you- don’t like it? I mean you are literally the only person complaining about it on this forum. I have absolutely no doubt that there are other people who are angry about Forsaken getting more options, we already see how giving races more options makes people angry, but they must be fired?
How does that even work? Someone’s employment status is based upon a random person alone saying they don’t like it?
Actually, this has brought the Forsaken more in line with the identity they had since Vanilla, they actually look like Undead now.
You are rather demonstrably incorrect, all Forsaken players do not agree.
The Punk look was always Forsaken since Vanilla, not sure what you are fighting against there. I mean have you ever done /Dance on your character, The Female does the weird wavy hands Goth dance, the Male Moshes like a Bad Lad.
Also, WTF? Black people can’t become Forsaken? What are you even on about now?
Oddly, this is where you are proving that you have no interest in a conversation, but are just wanting to throw out some troublingly racist ideas, I think you need to sort yourself out.
Source? I mean you must have one? If -All- Forsaken players want that, you must have a source, right? You wouldn’t -lie- to us?
I still remember the horror it was in her first BG 20-29.
She was wearing trousers and a shirt.
All I can remember was bones everywhere.
Knees, elbow, spine, hands, feet.
From that day on I dreaded each time I didn’t got a hood or a long dress.
Not even gloves or boots, could cover her exposed bones.
This changes are welcomed.
After 15 years maybe this character can wear normal clothes as everyone.
Also Sylvanas doesn’t have any bone showing up.
Can anyone spot the place Arthas stabbed her ?
I can’t.
Nathanos is basically a human model with red eyes.
As you can see the Forsaken leadership isn’t exactly exemplary regarding rotten corpses, much the opposite.
To conclude, in vanilla if you wanted to play a human model, you played a Forsaken.
They used to be the most popular choice because of that, till the Blood Elves were added in TBC.
That’s only true because Blizz never does more than the bare minimum…
They never add option A and B.
It’s always A or B. So with the addition of less rotted Forsaken it’s unlikely they’ll add anything more “rot” related.
That’s why people are angry if people who want X gets what they want because it means Y won’t be added.
Take Void Elves for example. Now they’re adding appearances that are less “Void” related, which means those who wanted things that are more “Void” get nothing.