Off-swings won`t start

I play Fury, I noticed that when I actively change the target in the dungeon, stop dealing normal damage and lose rage, the dps drops, although Fury is not as tied to the target as arms. After that, I noticed that left-handed attacks just stop coming when you quickly change targets. I put an addon that shows it more explicitly, plus the damage numbers show the moment of impact. I made a video of how it happens, I don’t know how to demonstrate it. This can easily be seen on Target Dummy if you stand between them, swap, quickly change targets, and attack. Off hand won’t run. Addon Weapon Swing Timer Sixx Fix.

don’t play fury

You’re right, but for me it’s more of a “don’t play wow”


Why not? It fits dwarven warrior lore much better than arms, and “don’t play dwarves” is not valid solution either.

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Because fury is extremely weak in its current state and you’re griefing any group if you’re playing fury instead of arms.

The first question I have is, why are you Fury? LOL

Go Arms and do more single Target DPS and AoE.

Changing spec to something you don’t want to play even though it performs better is not the solution.

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