OG gamer looking for a late night raiding/m+ guild to call home

+40 yr young wow player looking for a home.
Late night.

Played since early beta of this damn game. Quit it to many times to count. Came back every time apparently. I take the game seriously but I dont let RIO decide my life. I know the mechanism good enuf to ignore the current FOTM. With that said. I kinda hate freeloaders who dont respect other peoples time investment.

At the moment i have a monk around 625 ilvl. Brew/Mist. A hunter around 620. A pally around 620 all specs and some random alts around 610. I mostly tank or heal. Have raided all there is in this game. Once was in the world first … or well Eu first as it was back then because of the different servertimes back then. Stood in more fires then I can count. Goot cookies. And wine. Have raidled since day 1 and can do it again if need arises.

Would love to try some mythic (or HC) before the the loot pinata turns the game into a zergfest again. Also looking for ppl to push some m+ with. But mostly looking for to talk sh!t in disc and kill pixels with the night away. I can raid from 8-9 or so servertime but would REALLY prefer if we start later.

Father of two and work fulltime. Life will come first and interfera more then once.


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Hi Newimprov,

I was reading your post and it sounds like our guild might just be the perfect fit for you.

You are welcome to have a look at our guild and see if we fit. We mostly focus on herioc raiding and just having a fun evening. We want to dip our toes into mythic raiding but we don’t consider it a priority above having fun :slight_smile:

Check us out in the guild finder, Mellon.

You can also add me on discord if you have any more questions, username duiweltjie.

Our Guild recruitment Post:

Hi mate.

We raid 2100-2330 ish (sometimes a little later if close to a kill or somethin) Tuesdays and Thursdays, its slightly later than most as we are in the same boat as you with kids to get to sleep first.
We clear 8/8 heroic, this week in one night, so looking to build a roster capable of doing some mythic bosses.

Always on the lookout for capable players so if you want to dicuss further let me know.



Hey there Newimprov,

If you’re still in the market for a guild, I might have an offer for you.
Contact me on discord sadexpunk and let’s have a chat.

Catch you soon.

Nocturnus is a late night raiding guild looking for more Dps players to fill up its roster.
We raid at 0015am server time.(11:15pm uk)
Friday and Saturday
Currently 8/8 HC.
We created this guild for people who wanted to raid outside normal hours.
But we also play during the day as well!
Both days are optional, no stress.
We also push keys (m+) and have a community discord.
If your interested in joining our growing community message me below for more info :
Bnet : digitalrain#21243
Discord : digital_rain


Hey Improv!

Evernight is a very casual guild of old WoW players with families and responsibilies IRL, that are looking to recruit any and all DPS and Healers for our weekly Heroic runs.

Our main team runs Mythic raids every Wednesday and Sunday, 8PM - 11PM Server time.
We’re currently recruiting people to raid Heroic Nerub’ar Palace every Saturday, 8PM - 11PM Server time.

We also do a lot of Mythic+ dungeon runs in the evenings after work and are willing to help those that ask to be helped in keys.

If you’re interested in joining, please add me using the Discord and Battlenet ID’s below. I’ll answer any questions you have and if you want, invite you into our guild!

Discord: akeemjskc
Battlenet: Archard#21710

Have fun!

Hey fellow young wow player we raid mon, wed, thurs 23 ST until 01:00 ST. Currently HC on farm, and managed 1M so far, need more people :crossed_fingers: Poke me in game on Crowtix#2324 if interested :facepunch:

Hey, looking for a couple of Healers to fill last raid spots. take a look and give us a shout if you want to know more

7/8HC (Sunday/Monday 21:00 – 00:00st) LF Healers - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums

Hello !

Unknown Classification its a New semi-hardcore progressing English speaking raiding/M+ guild with friendly and fun atmosphere looking for active players to join our roaster. Progress 8/8 heroic , 2/8 Mythic .RT 20:00 ST raid days : Monday,Wednesday and Friday . DM on discord : fluffyfang or add bnet : FluffyFang#21562 for more info!