Ogres in Kalimdor?

How the ogres get to there? They are not a native Azeroth race, they came with horde on eastern kingdoms but didn’t built any what would help them to travel on the other continent. How did they get there? How did them overpopulated dire maul and tanaris?

While I don’t know the lore answer myself (If any exists) although I can speculate. Ogres aren’t really as stupid as people think they’re. Sure they’re stupid, but not that stupid. Ogres have their own special type of ships known as ogre juggernauts in which I assume it was used to travel the ocean and populate other parts of the world (Kalimdor and later a bit of Northrend)


Yeah, that’s the cannon answer. They just build ships and settled there. That’s all there is to it. And if the logistics and population numbers don’t make sense to you… they often don’t in WoW. I mean, the Orcs settled in Kalimdor with the few ships that just happened to be anchored in Southshore on the night they decided to sneak into the harbour. Warcraft lore was always full of “if it feels cool enough, just don’t question it”-events.


Though Southshore whas during the Second War a Military Harbor. So maybe there where enough ships stationed.

If that makes that story make sense in your head, more power to you.

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Unlike orcs, ogres have always been seafarers. Orcs used to fear the sea, but had to face their fears and conquer it when suffering defeat on the world of Azeroth.
If the orcs made it across the great sea, the ogres would have done the same with relative ease, since the Alliance forces were likely hellbent on destroying them, too, as the ogres were allied with the Horde.

Also, ogres used to dominate Draenor and are more gifted than most give them credit for.


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