Okay so retribution is destined to be wheelchair but

Why the hell do half of the other classes have better freedom abilities than ret? Like wth is this Evoker hover situation?

Developer’s note: We recognize that movement is fun and feels good when attached to short cooldown buttons. That said, our goal for Retribution Paladin is to keep their strengths in removing things that hinder their mobility, or to charge into battle on their Divine Steed, not to give them a short duration burst of movement on a very short cooldown.

Our freedom is 8 sec duration on a 25 second cooldown. On higher ratings, the opponents will always try to CC the freedom. Other classes have far better freedoms than we do.

Druid, Hunter, Evoker practically unslowable. DK, Shaman, Rogue in a similar boat.

If we are the class that is supposed to be centered around being hard to slow, as the post says, then surely we should have one of the best not if the best freedom in the game, right? Well, right now we have a 18 year old ability that has even been nerfed from back then. Remember it used to be 20 sec cd with 10 sec duration 18 years ago?

Does not help that we have literally the most useless slow in the entire game. 30sec cd and can be dispelled. What the hell? The biggest insult to injury here is that even if you spend an extremely valuable pvp talent slot to improve your slow, dispelling the slow won’t even reset the CD. It will just halve it.

TL;DR: If the design of ret is supposed to be a slow juggernaut without mobility, then it should have more means to immune slows (please don’t mention the consecration talents) and more means to lock opponents down.

And no, I don’t want to one-shot people - remove that too. It’s bad class design. I want to play a class that is not infuriating to play.

If I had to choose, I’d much rather see Ret go the DK route (as you have mentioned), AKA maintaining uptime via limiting the opponent’s movement speed while being resistant to slows/snares themselves as opposed to running at people on Horses all game.

That said I really just cannot grasp what Blizzard’s logic was for Hand of Hindrance. Sure, it’s good (imo) that you have to manually and consciously apply it (barring the PvP talent), but the fact that without said PvP talent it’s a dispellable 30 second CD is baffling when compared to other melee slows.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that auto apply/refresh nonsense like Crippling Poison/Disable/Throw Glaive is terrible game design, but at least be consistent lmao.

Ret is just another victim of PvP talent syndrome, where you’re forced to forfeit interesting options in favour of baseline functionality (undispellable Freedom, a semi-reasonable slow) that many other specs have come to expect as standard.

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