Old battlegroups compared to now

Proves your ignorance on the topic itself, yet you still claim to know the implications for the big picture.

That report by project horseshoe actually covers your perspective as well, and what is needed to be improved even for people like you.

Learn. To. Read.

Not mine either.

I won’t read that material simply because I don’t care enought :wink: i have my own opinion, you can either accept it or not. Reading that material won’t change what I expect from a game.

And don’t expect anyone reads that material.

Your opinion is de facto irrelevant since it’s already contradicted by the source material which you just won’t “bother” to read.

Ye sure because I can’t say what I expect from a game. That material tells me what I expect from a game right?

That isn’t what I said. You’d know that if you’d read it.

You’re just trying to obfuscate yet again.

I simply won’t invest time to read smt I don’t care about, can you understand it?

Then you have no say in a discussion about it. Can you understand that?

Your OP doesn’t contain that material. Why should I read it to react on your OP?

It actually does reference it.

Which is later sourced further with

Sorry, this starts to bore me. You can discuss with others here who will be surely willing to read that material before saying their own opinion. Good luck :slight_smile:

PS: I agree with everything you wrote in OP. But I DON’T CARE about epic stories or about how anonymous it is. Im looking for smt else in this game and thats (related to BGs) shorter queues. Shorter queues = more time in BGs = more fun for me. I remember people I play with, I really don’t care about others :wink: And I definitely don’t need to read that material to know this.

If you’re going to be aggressive and offensive towards anyone who has a differing opinion, you should take a moment to think about why you’re bringing a “discussion” to a forum, as right now this is less of a discussion and more of a “this is what you’ll think because I said it”.

Being said, I don’t disagree with your OP, just think the way you respond to people (and i’ve noticed it not only in this thread, but others too) is completely unwarranted.


There are social conventions that eats time that makes it less offensive, sure. This way is more like a bull in a china shop. (china shop = porcelain shop)

The reason I have a problem with the way certain people argue, and why I treat others better sometimes, is due to this:

Basically what you said is: “I don’t like the way you do it because you’re not being kind about it.”
That’s really neither here nor there.

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I played server based battlegrounds for +1year in vanilla, i friended every person who join those bg’s! i knew the enemy as well, it felt like pvping with friends in a small circle.
where is that now? such unique experience isn’t in classic. “now u queue to find people u never see again and u find most of them are afk leeching”

I like it this way, let me just farm my way to r14, don’t need no epic stories or friends
 And no one is going to kick me out of bg because of farming more honor then them because nobody cares

It would be nice to hear from blizzard why they decided to drop battlegroups or if they even considered it in the first place.

Would be nice to have battlegroups because back then even with xrealm you would still recognize names.

Well, no. Not that much. You’d still forget most that you encounter either way, regardless if it’s on your team or the opposite team.
It’s that you can’t see them outside of the BG instances, and it’s random when you end up in the same one again as well as the many, many names inbetween each recurring encounter that messes with this process inside your head.

Xrealm as a whole should just be removed.


and all this coming from a company that owns multiple BIG TITLE GAMES.
just sad.

about those population caps, the playerbase is in a big decline.
rip classic within 6 months from now if things keep going as they are now,
to many issues going on and blizzard fix nothing.

Are you playing World of Warcraft or World of Friendcraft?
I will partly agree with you. I would like to see Horde from A realm fighting Alliance side from B realm on AV. That would make this game more social and so you would have a chance to fight a raid from your own realm.
How to solve low pop realms problem? Fill in the missing spots with people from another realms. It would unite realms a lot I guess.

101 of BA.

AV is already like this.