Old content bugged


I am going through old content to be up to date with all the achievments:
The following is bugged and unplayable for the last couple of weeks mabey longer. Which is pretty silly since i can’t find any official mentioned about these things.

Reclamation rig in Mechagon - During the event no progress bar and no reward at the end of the waves. (Yes i am aware that you need inventory space to receive which i checked multiple times).
Tormenters of Torghast - During the event nog progress bar, which results in no end boss spawning. All the mobs in the event get buffs/debuffs but the event doesn’t progress.
Something is not quite right… (achievment) - Multiple times i guessed 8 times correctly when the world quest is up. However it doesn’t trigger the achievment.
A lesson in Responsibility (quest) - For the quest you need to get “Decorative Shrubbery” when you arrive at the object you see the yellow outline around it, but you can’t interact with it which means you cannot complete the quest.

Would be nice to see a reaction on this, since it’s pretty frustrating thing. You pay for the game to get enjoyment out certain activities, but not when you cannot continue them.


Hey Monocollect,

Bugs can be reported in game to ours developers directly:

While you won’t get a response for each of these issues, our developers will be able to check them for you, and address them in the future if a bug is found.

I’ve also reported the bug about the “Tormentors of Torghast” event being broken for months now, and still noone has done something about it. It’s broken at least since the TWW prepatch went live and I don’t think it will be back working anytime soon… This makes the associated meta-achievement “Breaking the Chains” impossible to complete at the moment. How many bug reports about the same issue have to be submitted for devs to start doing something about it? Because I bet there are at least a few bug reports about it from what I can see on forums, and still the only answer I get is along the lines of “report the bug and hope for the best”.

Bugs aren’t usually prioritized by ‘number of reports’, but by scope of impact, and current content bugs will naturally get a much higher priority than old content bugs.

For context, there are bugs that have existed since vanilla that have never been fixed, and never will be, because the scope is so small, and the content so old.

I get that, but if quest chains or achievment are unable to be completed and it has been reported for months. At least a notification that blizzard is aware of this problem is the least they could do for a subscription game.

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Yeah, we’ve already lots of FOMO to deal with, we don’t need the additional FOMO achievements that will become impossible as soon as they become old content. I’m a returning player who wasn’t around during shadowlands, so for me it’s new content, and yet it seems like I’m never going to have the chance to complete the Breaking the Chains achievement.