Old enchants are usable on more gear!


I’ve returned recently from a break and noticed a few days ago that item enhancements like enchant scrolls, leatherworking/tailoring legs improvements, inscription shoulder improvement and belt buckles that grant sockets to belts, have been changed recently. Many enhancements that required ilvl 35 or lower, have been changed to an impressive ilvl 320 or lower.

This is very good news for many various reasons, most notably for twinking in Timewalking raids/dungeons, twinking while leveling, and for twinking in other instances where your level and ilvl is reduced. Previously it was impossible to enchant older twink gear because they were had too high ilvl.

Now fortunately this is no longer an issue and we are free to use these enchants and improvements on most gear! As someone who loves twinking for Timewalking to make yourself godmode, I couldn’t be happier right now.

Happy twinking!


There is a spreadsheet floating around even though its for 8.1.5 the guide is still useable today. Just be weary that you need to be a certain level in some cases to apply the enchant but if you have alts at various levels just send heirlooms to that one to put the enchant on and then send back.

You can also get creative and use some current enchants where applicable.



Adding to Ruffntuff -


Super helpful spreadsheet of what gear pieces to get for twinking. Since you mentioned twinking in Timewalking :slight_smile: