Old player, new xpac

Hey, Looking for a 2 day a week max AOTC guild that dabbles in M+.
I will probably be on more but actually commiting to the raiding times can be difficult. I am an old man with a job and family so game time is not always guaranteed hence the low level of commited raiding. Just want to get AOTC and chill with m+.
In the past I have done some mythic raiding and gotkeystone master before.
Have experience in DPS, tank and healingy. (BFA was last time i commited to any raiding). On Bloodhoof atm. Have friend on silvermoon too but not averse to miving where required. Hit me up if interested.

I liked your message I’m an old man too wink: So if sill looking for a Guild look us up.
Domina is a social guild made up of a group of friends who have recently decided we want to push content in TWW and look for some like minded people to join us. We currently push mythic+ daily but would like to raid in the upcoming xpac. We are offering a friendly, fun and mature gaming environment which is supportive and inclusive of all of our members regardless of experience or knowledge. We are always up for a chat and a laugh on discord and would love to have some new people join us
Why should you choose Domina?
We welcome and accommodate a wide array of levels and skilled players who are looking to have fun while progressing through TWW.
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for new players to join us who are interested in pushing mythic+ and enjoy the social aspect of the game. We are looking for friendly and fun people who are willing to put in the time and effort into learning their classes, mechanics of fights and contribute to progression of the guild as a whole.

This is my Main no clue why my old Toon was linked :slight_smile: I guess I’m just old now lol :rofl:

I think we could be a good fit. We’re aiming for AOTC every tier and do M+ content and stuff. If you’re interested you can find out more about us here, we’re a friendly bunch: [SILVERMOON] <hulkomania> is looking for raiders and socials alike for TWW!

Thansk for the interest so far guys. Should of probably mentioned in my initial post I cant get on before 9pm server time most days. Whic out of both of your guilds as good as they sound makes raiding a problem as I would be missing the first hour of raid each session. Hopefully something else will come up!

Hi mate.

If you can make until 2100 server time then we might suit you.

Group of older players, most with families to work around so we play a bit later in the evening than other guilds.

Have a look and let me know if youre interested.
